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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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school help

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hey boys i need big help. its my sophmore year, i'm taking hard classes, i hate to brag but i'm smarter than this. i need a 3.25 and have a 2.60 after midterms. im basically sucking dick big time. during hockeyt season last year i kept a 3.25 , i dont know whats going on this year. what should i do boys?

please no high response kids, i went to prep, i had study hall, this is different.

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Can you add 1-credit classes? To beef up the GPA they always had classes on "The Internet" for a couple Saturdays during the semester. Other than that, maybe a tutor can help you.

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Try getting more sleep if possible. I know when I was at prep, I always had the best grades when I got more sleep than usual, and the exact visa-versa.

That's all I can think of right now...

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hey boys i need big help. its my sophmore year, i'm taking hard classes, i hate to brag but i'm smarter than this. i need a 3.25 and have a 2.60 after midterms. im basically sucking dick big time. during hockeyt season last year i kept a 3.25 , i dont know whats going on this year. what should i do boys?

please no high response kids, i went to prep, i had study hall, this is different.

Coffee and the library. You're on MSH waaaaaaaaay too much to get anything done. Cut yourself off of aim, facebook, whatever and just hit the books/play hockey/drink/fool around with women. If you think it's inefficient, it probably is and can be done away with.

Edit--Also, don't fall too far behind in classes. There's nothign that screws you over more than having to learn a whole quarter's worth of material over a weekend. It's normal to fall a day or week behind the syllabus, but any more is usually avoidable and almost always a pain in the ass to catch up to.

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Who knows, maybe your classes this year don't jazz you as much as last year's? However, it sounds like you're not motivated enough this year. The only advice I can tell you is consider the Bigger Picture.

I've seen statistics recently that college grads earn 44% more during their lifetimes than HS grads, and those with post-graduate degrees earn 77% more. One person could be more talented than another, but will not be compensated as well because of the lack of degree. It might not seem fair, be it's reality.

So, forge through. Maybe next week, or next semester or next year, you'll get your mojo back.

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Having been through the schedule before, this happens a lot. Solid freshman year, but now you're comfortable and have a lot more distractions on your plate. The guy who said before to limit AIM, Facebook, etc. is right, those things can waste countless hours of time without much payoff. Not saying you need to be a bookworm, and not go out, because I think that's really necessary too.

Some things that you should consider: spend some time at office hours talking to your professors and TA's. Do your homework and show up with specific questions about materials. They appreciate that and be much more willing to go out of their way to help you. Making that personal connection always holds you to working harder too.

From your other posts, you play on the hockey team. You need to realize that you aren't just an ordinary student because you have practice, road trips, and other responsibilities, and thus can't do what every other student does. You should also take advantage of the academic advisors your team has. They have infinite resources and often have ideas and ways of helping you that you never would have thought of. After all, they've often seen many student-athletes in similar situations.

Last thing, very specific to college hockey - take advantage of otherwise useless time on road trips. Instead of watching the rerun of some football game in the hotel room at night after games, head down to the lobby and do your homework for an hour or so. It'll help you wind down, tire your mind a bit, and should help you fall asleep more easily as well. It'll be for you in the end, but as a coach you love to see it. Some guys can work or read on the bus too. Give it a try.

Not trying to lecture, but definitely been in those shoes before. Good luck.

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You seem a little to confident in you intellect, which may be screwing you over. I know this has happened to me this year, I am a junior this year, and it has bite me in the ass. Even if you know it, you don`t. Just remember that. Working hard does pay off.

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Hit the office hours. I never would have made it through college if I didn't hit the office hours hard. And like others said keep up with the work its way too hard to learn an entire semesters worth of work in a week, unless its satistics but that's a different story ;) do you reading, review your notes and do your homework. Its way to easy to procrastinate but if you keep up with it, its not so bad

What's your major or what are you thinking about? Study groups help a lot, I was carried by and I helped carried some people during my time.

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Ima sophmore too and im now just starting to get back on track it took me a while to get used to being back in school and gettin more sleep does help i can function with 4 hours of sleep i just retain things better when i get more sleep.

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Actually, depending on what your program is, I don't believe falling behind is entirely detrimental. I basically crammed for everything the last three days prior to finals and I did ok. Never took notes either, b/c inevitably, some keener would always type their notes up and pass them around over email. Basically, I made my undergraduate academic career out of using other people's notes. Otherwise, I just slept and ate. Of course, I was in Business, so that may explain a lot...I miss school...

Otherwise, if you need to study, do what you gotta do. And yes, going to the library helps, b/c it cuts you off from distractions like this board.

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