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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Pro Z-Carb Blades

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I picked up two of these from the Perani's a while back to use if the situation arised and I was wondering if anyone knew how old the blades were and maybe even when the player intended to use them?

The first is a Fedorov pattern and has Easton on the hosel in white with a black then yellow outline with grey/silver on the outside of that. The sticker on the blade had Det on it so that is some indication that it is a few years old at least.

The second is a Savard pattern and has Easton on the hosel in white with a black with grey/silver on the outside of that. The sticker on the blade had Atl on it so I am pretty sure this is the newer of the blades.

As well I was looking to pick up a shaft for these and was wondering if the new Ultra Lite Grip is really an Ultra Lite with grip on it or simply a refurbished Grip Lite.

Thanks for any answers you might have.

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The Fedorov is from when it had UG graphics. Then Easton put out the Z-Carbs for retail, only it had the lame focus flex.

Savard sounds like it had the graphics retail Z-Carbs had.

As for the shaft question, I don't understand what you're saying. Grip Lites always had been Ultra Lites with grip.

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I always thought it was a different shaft, good to hear it isn't, will be picking one up this week. Anyone know the weight off the top of their head?


I copied that picture from a thread in the sell forum, the graphics on the blade are the same as on my Fedorov blade.

The Savard is the same except it has no yellow between the black and grey/silver with a different coloured logo above that. It is also quite a bit lighter hence the it is newer assumption.

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The Federov is a bigger mid-curve with a smallish blade right? I think he changed to a YP pattern towards the end of his stint in Det, so that may help with the "timeframe". I thought the UL was around 280ish for weight, but I could be wrong, I haven't used one in years.

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UL is 290 and UL grip most be 295-300(pretty sure of that)

As for Griplite i thought it was heavier...but each time i had the chance to see a griplite...i like it more each time...

when i was younger i didnt like grip stick...but now i start really liking the grip on this shaft...but since it was heavier than most of other shaft i never think about buying one...

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Eazy_b97- The Fedorov is actually Lidstrom-ish, square toe and the likes

A_Steeves12- The blades were $45 CDN each, picked up the two I mentioned along with a Schaefer Bauer wood blade for just over $100. I bought them from the Perani's in London, Ontario back at the time of the Memorial Cup.

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