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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Harrow stick

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My friend has used a harrow for a long time, recently broke it, got the higher flex broke it, then got the higher flex and broke that blade. All within a week. I know that its like the lightest stick, even though its not that well known. It has that light grippy stuff, dont really like it but its O.K. HAve any of you had problems with the Harrow shafts?

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hey yglod is the shaft shape of the v3 sabre as round as a vector? or is it like an r2xn10? Do you also know the weight by anychance? thanks!

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What are we saying here? ISnt the vector really "squarish" and any TPS stick really "rounder" ?? Ive always thought so. IVe had two vectors and four TPS sticks and it seems as if ccm has more of a corner on the shaft and the TPS sticks are more like lacrosse sticks, more just round.

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What are we saying here? ISnt the vector really "squarish" and any TPS stick really "rounder" ?? Ive always thought so. IVe had two vectors and four TPS sticks and it seems as if ccm has more of a corner on the shaft and the TPS sticks are more like lacrosse sticks, more just round.

other way around

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im sitting here as i type with a broken xn10 and a v110, the vector almost feels like an int, the xn10 feels like a regular stick normal to me, but yes the vector feels rounder, almost thinner

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he just said it is.....

sorry warrior, this post is for the post before yours

and from my experience, tps sticks are more square than vectors, unless you're using intermediate or their radiused cornered sticks

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yeah that's what i thought too...i own an R2 and a v100. Dang, too bad harrow didn't have a v3 sabre with more of a boxy shape because of the competitive price.

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oh, i had a vector 110 INT and a vector 110 SENIOR now. I have a response plus, Adrenaline, and a response. and above all the response regular feels like a circle and above all the int. vector feels like a square. but who cares any ways..stupid to argue over the dimensions of a stick. :blink:

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oh, i had a vector 110 INT and a vector 110 SENIOR now. I have a response plus, Adrenaline, and a response. and above all the response regular feels like a circle and above all the int. vector feels like a square. but who cares any ways..stupid to argue over the dimensions of a stick. :blink:

I do because i'm strongly considering about purchasing this shaft. If it's exactly like a vector with very rounded corners then I don't know if I should get it because the shape doesn't go well with the hands. Another question Yglod, how's the grip on them? Do they peel of easily (ala Easton, Bauer) or are they more of a TPS rubber type?

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