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easton gloves

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mack they had alot more than that...i got the last pair of black in 14inch at least...they get new ones in all the time tho i was there a week ago and they didnt have black but today they did. they also had usa, navy, navy and white, green, then they had gophers which didnt look that great but the michigan ones arent bad at all just navy with a gold e logo and the little dividers between the pieces of foam on the top are gold too.

Sounds like what I did last year... Hey guys I have a question...So If I put Items in the sell section and I check back two hours later why do I not see the listing anymore?????? I try try to get my hands on some of the greatest gloves availible and My post gets pulled off......

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mack they had alot more than that...i got the last pair of black in 14inch at least...they get new ones in all the time tho i was there a week ago and they didnt have black but today they did. they also had usa, navy, navy and white, green, then they had gophers which didnt look that great but the michigan ones arent bad at all just navy with a gold e logo and the little dividers between the pieces of foam on the top are gold too.

Sounds like what I did last year... Hey guys I have a question...So If I put Items in the sell section and I check back two hours later why do I not see the listing anymore?????? I try try to get my hands on some of the greatest gloves availible and My post gets pulled off......

You cant advertise your store its against the rules,Thats why your posts get deleted.

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ok ok ok From what I read that you guys are always looking for cool stuff.. As far as I know I am one of the few to sell and push Nylon (tufftek) gloves So what is the harm in letting you guys know about what I have to sell? I love this site and love to hear what people think of product but If I was in the selling section what is the harm?

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Because you're just linking it to your store and not an actual sale of an item. We do appreciate you having the items, but that's just free advertising.

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Jason at EWH is a first rate guy. He hooked me up with Nylon X70's which I had been looking to find for a while. I hope EWH gets some more play from you guys looking for Pro stock and Nylon gloves. My Eagles are the best glove ive ever worn

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Jason at EWH is a first rate guy. He hooked me up with Nylon X70's which I had been looking to find for a while. I hope EWH gets some more play from you guys looking for Pro stock and Nylon gloves. My Eagles are the best glove ive ever worn

I got a nice pair of 5000's to bridge the gap until I find something else that makes me happy. 14 inch old color coyotes pro stock :D

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For anyone still looking for Easton nylon gloves, Pure Hockey in Danvers has all navy, all black, St. Louis color scheme, and Boston College color scheme. Price was $125. Although not normally a fan of Easton gloves, these are really nice.

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For anyone still looking for Easton nylon gloves, Pure Hockey in Danvers has all navy, all black, St. Louis color scheme, and Boston College color scheme. Price was $125. Although not normally a fan of Easton gloves, these are really nice.

ya but for only $30 more you can get a tufftek eagle custom pro.

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I was hot to trot last year on the easton Its a great glove I think I was also the first to do the collage colors for retail. But I think Eagle makes a better palm.

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Or for a significant amount less than either you can just get HGTs.

I don't no what you guys see in those things... you are right the price may be good but a honda is a great car but not everyone wants to drive one.

FYI about ten years ago was the first time I had a tufftex glove and I orderd it custom with TPS I liked it but after about the 3rd pair I was'nt crazy about the quality or the foam. I don't know they just don't do it for me. I truly think eastons and eagles take 1st place.

I would put rebellion and a bauer 2000 before those if you want price.

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I think it's crazy that people don't think twice about spending $165 on a stick that will last 2 months and worry about spending that on gloves till all the hairs on head go grey.

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Free will is just a crazy notion, I don't know. Besides, you're comparing apples to turds. HGTs and Eagles don't even have a similar fit, so that comparison goes right to the crapper.

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Free will is just a crazy notion, I don't know. Besides, you're comparing apples to turds. HGTs and Eagles don't even have a similar fit, so that comparison goes right to the crapper.

well next time I see my rep I will make it apoint to see what all this talk is about.

maby I am wrong.

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For anyone still looking for Easton nylon gloves, Pure Hockey in Danvers has all navy, all black, St. Louis color scheme, and Boston College color scheme. Price was $125. Although not normally a fan of Easton gloves, these are really nice.

Do these gloves have the ((E)) or is easton spelled out?

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For anyone still looking for Easton nylon gloves, Pure Hockey in Danvers has all navy, all black, St. Louis color scheme, and Boston College color scheme. Price was $125. Although not normally a fan of Easton gloves, these are really nice.

Do these gloves have the ((E)) or is easton spelled out?

They have the Big (E). There's a pic that JRWarrior posted on page 3 of this thread.

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