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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Hey, thought some guys might find this interesting. I went away to school and bought a device called a slingbox so i could still watch hockey that is broadcasted to my home. Basicly what it does is it sends the picture from your TV over the internet and to your computer. You can watch your home tv from anywhere, even change channels all from your computer at work or where ever you want. All you need is the box and a high speed internet connection at both sites. Let me know what you guys think.


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Its actually pretty good. Not like HDTV or anything, but when you are hockey starved in the heart of maryland where they worship lacrosse and piss on hockey, its def very good, depends on how good your connection is...better the connection, better the picture

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I believe I'll be out of town in a couple of weekends, but was hoping to watch the Pats and B's games that I normally record. I've seen occasional posts of people watching things over the internet, but I don't know whether I'll have time to watch the games live.

It looks like a hi-def version of Slingbox can be found for less than $150, which isn't too bad, but I don't know if I need to spend that if I'd only be using this a couple of times a year AND if there are other solutions. So has anyone else used Slingbox? Can it work seamlessly with a DVR to allow me to watch something after the fact or do I need to watch real time? Are there other solutions to watch shows I've recorded at home remotely with my laptop?

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I usually trust the people over at cnet. They usually seem to know what they are talking about and can be a little harsh. They seemed to like the Slingbox Pro-HD quite a bit.


I was tempted to get one of these things to leave at my parents' house while I was away at school but didn't because it takes over whichever receiver or AV source you are using. It seems great if you know that nobody else will want to watch something different while you are using the Slingbox.

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If I use it to watch a ball game, do you know whether it would prevent the family from watching a DVD? Or do we just have to make sure we are watching at separate times?

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