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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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L-2 on eBay

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on this topic, im gettin one in the mail from mission tuesday, so ill be able to give a review on it. mack or someone, can u add a review column in the review section for the l-2

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When it comes time you can submit one, but give it some ice times so we can get a good gauge of it.

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thhockey im not lying, itll be here tomorrow, ill post some pics to prove it and if someone wants so see more shots of the shaft/blade

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Phew, that looks nice. For some reason, that looks much better than the synthesis. Looks like the blade, and shaft, come togehter better, and look like a one piece stick.

Pretty nice of mission to do that for you giving you the l-2 instead of the m-1

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That's about twice as long as what Inno uses on their fused sticks. It also looks like the glue is bulging wuite a bit, giving you that illusion. I'm not sure about that one though.

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