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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Pro Easton Graphites (part 2)

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I know somebody had a topic on getting Sevard and Fedorov Easton Pro-Graphite blades, but it's late and I don't feel like searching...

My LHS got some. Said they are in very limited basis. I picked up 2 (Marleau and Sturm). Not sure why we're getting San Jose players' blades here in Jersey, but whatever.

They are very nice. Very light. Very near to the weight of the Z-carbon focus flex blades.

The Marleau appears to be pretty much a Modo retail, except the toe is rockered on the bottom, and the toe is kinda pointyish (think Spezza), and not as purely round as the Modo toe. 5 lie. The Sturm is a very similar curve, accept it's got a squarish toe. The hosel is longer than the Marleau hosel though, by about 1/2 inch, maybe a little less. Also a 5 lie, maybe a 5.5. Both blades are ever so lightly open at the mid-toe area...just the way I like em...hate that flip crap.

They had a couple of Jagr blades. Very similar to a Bauer Gagne curve. Lie seemed to be maybe 5.5-6. It's fairly straight from heel to just about the toe, where it's got at least a 1/2 inch curve to it. Square toe.

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The one where I play Roller...ISCA. The kid in there only had a few but was trying to get some more in. He also had ProStock Ultra Lites (The metallic green color) in 85 flex.

In lefty, he only had Marleau, Sturm and Jagr, at least from what I saw.

It looked like he had more righty blades, but I didn't bother looking.

They are $40 each.

Cobraa...I'd say the Jagr was kinda Iggyish. The toe was square and not that weird half-round/half-square toe on the Iggy/Recchi. Other than that, it was mostly a toe curve, and like I said, at least 1/2 inch.

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Yup. The Grizzlies are the travel team that play outta there. All kids divisions. I think the oldest Grizzly is like 17 or something like that.

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They had about 100 of these at Pure Hockey in marlborough last January for only $20 each. Now they have a bunch of Sher-wood SOP Blades and Vector 110 blades for $20

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Yup. The Grizzlies are the travel team that play outta there. All kids divisions. I think the oldest Grizzly is like 17 or something like that.

I play fro them. I played for the travel team in the summer, next year im going to be devoting 100% i think. Can you take some pics of the RH sticks cuz its quite a ride for nother for me.

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RH blades you mean? Well I don't normally carry my camera around with me.

But I'll tell you what. What kind of pattern do you use or are you interested in, and I'll go take a look at what they have and let you know. I can take some camera-phone pics but I don't know how good they'll look.

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Yup. The Grizzlies are the travel team that play outta there. All kids divisions. I think the oldest Grizzly is like 17 or something like that.

Rob Fulton still plays for them I think (and is their best player) and he's about 19. But other than that it's mainly Peleggi and them who are pushing about 18

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I don't know either of them. I'm 26 lol, I don't exactly hang out or play with the kids.

Dennis has some of the Grizzlies play in the Adult Leagues. I've played against some of them. I don't recall a Fulton, but I know the Wolfe kids are good.

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They had about 100 of these at Pure Hockey in marlborough last January for only $20 each. Now they have a bunch of Sher-wood SOP Blades and Vector 110 blades for $20

Really!? Would you pick me one blade either Z-carbon or v110 RH in a iggy/recchi??

either you or 96 if they still have it!?please

if you can,t that OKAY lol...i'm not in need of blade but at this price...

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They had about 100 of these at Pure Hockey in marlborough last January for only $20 each.  Now they have a bunch of Sher-wood SOP Blades and Vector 110 blades for $20

Really!? Would you pick me one blade either Z-carbon or v110 RH in a iggy/recchi??

either you or 96 if they still have it!?please

if you can,t that OKAY lol...i'm not in need of blade but at this price...

Ill check whenever i go to Boston again

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I don't know either of them. I'm 26 lol, I don't exactly hang out or play with the kids.

Dennis has some of the Grizzlies play in the Adult Leagues. I've played against some of them. I don't recall a Fulton, but I know the Wolfe kids are good.

Yeah, I think Rob just plays for Rutgers when he plays adult.

He played state wars both adult and 18 and under I think.

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RH blades you mean? Well I don't normally carry my camera around with me.

But I'll tell you what. What kind of pattern do you use or are you interested in, and I'll go take a look at what they have and let you know. I can take some camera-phone pics but I don't know how good they'll look.

I like iginlas or modano/forseburgs. But if you find any that arnt like than as long as there not sackish still tell me please.

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Yup. The Grizzlies are the travel team that play outta there. All kids divisions. I think the oldest Grizzly is like 17 or something like that.

Rob Fulton still plays for them I think (and is their best player) and he's about 19. But other than that it's mainly Peleggi and them who are pushing about 18

hahaha I remember that kid...

When I was a squirt, he came into the Coliseum in Voorhees and acted like his Barracudas team was going to run the show, obviously he hadn't played there before... we ended up winning 10-0 eleven minutes into the game by mercy rule...

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