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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Why the long face?

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My brother dug out his stuff for the first time in about a year last night and brought it over my house to get everything fixed up for open hockey this morning. He needed to adjust his helmet a bit and when he put it on to test it out I noticed that the J clips were nowhere near where the cage came up to on his helmet, they were about an inch or so above. I played around a bit and we couldn't get them set right so I ended up drilling an extra hole in them and cutting some of the clip off of the bottom. This set the clips lower but still to high for the cage. We tried several different helmets and cages and it seems that most cages are too short for his face. He tried on my 4000 with a Jofa cage but it was a choice of either tilting the helmet forward or letting the helmet sit correctly and having the chin cup sit to high.

Does anyone know of a cage out there that is longer then others? All the ones we tried are larges so we can't go up a size unless someone makes an XL.

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I'm confused. Is the cage too long or do you need a longer one?

We tried several different helmets and cages and it seems that most cages are too long for his face
Does anyone know of a cage out there that is longer then others?

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Have you tried flipping the clips on the forehead so the screw is above the cage? That can usually buy you an inch or so if it isn't that way already.

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That's the way they were and it was still to short.

How high above his eyes was the padding and what kind of helmet does he wear?

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It's an older model CCM, not sure of the exact model but it's just like the 652. I'll have to check next time he got it with him to see how far his eyes are from thr padding. Re you thinking maybe the fit of the helmet is the cause? How far should helmet padding be from your eyes?

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I had a similar problem, where I had a large Bauer Tru Vision 4000 cage fit a bit long on a large Jofa 620, but a large Bauer FM3000 was too short for me on a large Itech helmet, all at the same setting J-clip wise. Swapping the cages only made things worse. I couldn't figure out what was going on, but then I took a closer look at the J-clips and found out that the metal clips on the Jofa weren't as long in the J-portion above the screws compared to the plastic ones on the Itech. I swapped the J-clips instead of the cages tonight and now they both fit fine. Maybe you need to try different J-clips. I thought they were all "standard" like the screws, but they aren't.

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Hey, crazy question, but since they are very rare, are you a Big Country fan? That's the name of one of their albums.

Was that question for me? If so, nope just an rotten bastard most of the time so the name fit. :P

We tried a Jofa cage as well with no luck. I do have some differenent clips so i could look at them when I get a chance. Thanks guys.

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