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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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2005 Airs?

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Hey, Im just wondering if there are any 2005 airs. I thought they were discontinued but my friend got some new airs and they are definatly different than the 2004 airs that I had last year. My were more black and this are basically all silver and are different. So what are these skates? Not really important just really curious.

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Any idea what these skates are that Im talking about. They are noticeably different then my airs. On the back of my is black and on his its silver.

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Nope, definatly airs with the new logo ( well old now). Maybe there last years but juniors. He's pretty small.

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Hey, Im just wondering if there are any 2005 airs. I thought they were discontinued but my friend got some new airs and they are definatly different than the 2004 airs that I had last year. My were more black and this are basically all silver and are different. So what are these skates? Not really important just really curious.

Z-Air Comps or Comp SEs?

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