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BoSox GM resigns

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I'm not sure what I think.

Obviously, he has done better than Duquette had done with a similar salary structure, particularly since Duquette had wasted the farm system. However, there were holes on the team this year, and he and his organization have to take responsibility for those, just as much as they get credit for winning last year. But according to articles I've read recently, he was asking for way too much. Believe me, I can now die in peace because of what he accomplished, but he was asking for more money than Cashman or Schuerholz, each of whom has had a longer winning record.

That said, Lucchino sounds like he micro manages, and it may be that Theo was only willing to work with Lucchino IF he was paid enough. I have two concerns: 1) Will Lucchino run the next guy out of town; and 2) will the next guy mortgage the farm system?

PS On this topic of Red Sox, I read a great line about the Yankees: Somewhere in New York city, a five-year-old boy is falling asleep, wondering if he'll ever see the Yankees win in his lifetime..... :D

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Worst move the sox have made in a while. Though some of the moves he's made have been overrated, he's been the best GM the franchise has had as long as I've watched baseball. But in true sox fashion they don't want anyone in management with the team unless they can pull some of the strings.

He'll probably go to LA, become a megastar, and turn that franchise into a winner in 2-3 years.

Though, as a Yankee fan, I have no problems with him going elsewhere. Manny loved him, Damon loved him, Schilling loves him. Two out of three will probably be elsewhere next year.

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I hope Manny goes to the Angels because they need more 20-11 wins in that division.

One of them is going out there. If whoever takes over has a brain, they won't trade Manny, because then Ortiz gets Barry Bonds treatment. Damon playing CF for the Angels wouldn't surprise me though.

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Worst move the sox have made in a while. Though some of the moves he's made have been overrated, he's been the best GM the franchise has had as long as I've watched baseball.

I think he's proven to be among the top third of GM's, but there are a number with better track records -- at smaller payrolls. Let's face it, the large payrolls cover a lot of sins for both Epstein and Cashman.

This has been brewing for about ten days, and I don't think we'll know whether it's a bad move until we know who they hire.

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Worst move the sox have made in a while. Though some of the moves he's made have been overrated, he's been the best GM the franchise has had as long as I've watched baseball.

I think he's proven to be among the top third of GM's, but there are a number with better track records -- at smaller payrolls. Let's face it, the large payrolls cover a lot of sins for both Epstein and Cashman.

This has been brewing for about ten days, and I don't think we'll know whether it's a bad move until we know who they hire.

But, look at his best moves, they haven't been because he has a huge payroll.

He's really a small market GM in a big market.

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But, look at his best moves, they haven't been because he has a huge payroll.

He's really a small market GM in a big market.

I agree he's made great moves at below market, but he's also made questionable to bad moves with big dollars -- BY Kim (2Y at $10M), Renteria (4Y at $40M), Mendoza (2Y at $6M). But that's why I say the large payrolls cover a lot of sins.

I'm not saying he's been bad; in fact, I think he's done a great job. However, I think he was asking for way too much money compared to more accomplished GM's. And I think this ownership will do a far better job than Harrington would have in finding a replacment, which is why I say I'm not sure what I think yet.

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... but he was asking for more money than Cashman or Schuerholz, each of whom has had a longer winning record.

And he was offered far less money this time than they offered Billy Beane a few years ago before hiring epstein.

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Yes, but that was an aberration of circumstances. Beane was possibly the undisputed best GM in baseball but, more importantly, he was under contract with the A's and didn't want to leave the west coast. Add it up, and they basically had to bribe him to come to Boston.

There's no doubt the Sox lowballed Theo -- I think the problem was he was coming from such a lower salary ($375K) -- but what they offered Beane three years ago is irrelevant to what the market is paying today. Cashman was at $1.2M until this week. Schueholz is around $1.5M (and I think Jocketty). Dombroski is at $2M, but he is also President of the Tigers.

If you look at those numbers, it would slot Theo at about $1.1M to $1.2M, but they started their negotiation at $775. That's a sure way to piss someone off.

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