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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Skate Issues

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Every once in a while I get a bit of rubbing on my big toe. It usually happens when I play or coach on consecutive days. It's only on the inside of my left big toe. So it's the inside portion of the boot. I go barefoot, and am looking for something to help with the rubbing. I know socks, but I'd prefer to wear something thin, but prevents the rubbing on the skin. I had fairly large callouses on this toe, so it kind've feels like blistering, but it's just rubbing the callous. Should I go with regular cotton socks, or should I try and find underarmour type socks? I'm worried the moisture wicking socks will not prevent the rubbing because they are thinner.

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I've been using bungapads toe caps for the past two years. They work really well and my toes haven't had blisters since using them and my calluses have been greatly reduced. I also just bought some cheap silicone toe caps this past weekend and tried them out once. I don't remember the brand, but they were half the price of the bungapads. They are only gel, whereas the bungapads have a material cover.

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Yeah I was gonna say, get a pad or moleskin or something like that, and put it between your big toe and second toe. You will still go sockless like you like, and the pressure of the tight boot will keep your toe pad in place.

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how bout just stretch the area of the boot lightly where its bugging you

It's difficult because of callouses, since they vary in size from day to day.

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I think some poduct from Dr Schroll might help you.

They have small pads to put on spot on foot to prevent pain from shoes.

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oh,ok. well this may sound gross but you could file them down. i know a few guys who do that

I do, the problem is it comes up every once in a while. You can't file them down all the way, because they are protection and it REALLY hurts while they re-develop. It's hard to stay on top of the filing because its not an exact science, you need to guess when it needs it, I'd rather avoid the problem all the time, than get it right most the time and have rubbing the others.

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I have the same problem due to a large, irregular bone growth on my big toe (similar to a bone spur I guess). I had the toe-box punched out slightly, and it helps a little, but due to the hard plastic cap there's only so far they can punch it out (and it's hard to get at).

SO, for $10 at your LHS, you could have the box punched out. If that doesn't work, then you either grin and bear it, or move to a wider toe-boxed skate.

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if its the toe box heat up the toe cap because on the graf the graf toe cap can be stretched so heat up the toe cap until the bumps are gone and lightly press the area out just be care. we shoulda ordered your skates with an over sized toe cap.sorry man

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