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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Any advice on how to remove a blade

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Hey guys,

I just receive my SL broken bought on ebay...i had a z-carbon laying around...so i tought beside using it as a tapered shaft(without cuting anything) i could just use it right away as a flipped shaft

But here come the ''trouble... my blade seemed to fit so tight that 90% of my glue on my tenon goes off by inserting the blade...then i tried to take out the blade and i needed A LOT OF FORCE...only to like take out 1/2 inch...

Should i be doing something?? Any advice



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I just had to cut my SL Grip. Here's the deal. The handle is somewhat tapered itself. That's how they reduced weight, but changing the shaft dimensions. I used a tool that measures widths to exact amounts, and fitting a standard hosel into the handle side of an SL will be difficult. As Cavs said, try muscling it out. Again, I'm not convinced it will fit. But at least you are getting a nice tight squeeze...better than it being loose.

As far as the cut. You could cut lower and try chiseling out the materials in there, and see if you can fit a tapered blade in there. But good luck and have lots of patience, cuz it's a pain in the ass.

I made my final cut below the bottom "E", more towards where that first squiggly line is after the E. That's pretty much where the fusion materials end. I have put an Easton Synthesis blade in there with a piece of tape on the hosel, and I am having no problems.

I think you mentioned you are like 6'0 or something. You will need a LOOONG buttend. I am only 5'7, so the composite buttend I got with the SL is a perfect match for me.

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Thanks 96...i did fit the blade in...but i'm wondering what will happens if i whant to REMOVE IT...

as for taper it..i know i will need a longer extension...but i still use short stick...50-51 inch for standard and 53.5-54 inch for tapered

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Hey #96 after thinking about it..since the my z-carbon is really tight...would just putting a piece or 2 of tape on the tapered blade would fit at the handle...

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Step on the top of the blade and pull, or maybe get a metal rod/stick down the other end and force it out. If neither of those work, see if your mum or sister can help out.

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i have a standard blade in one of my broken sl's it fit a little tight but it works fine and when i need to take it out i just stick the blade hosel in a vise and heat it up and pull

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