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Vapor XX skate durability

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how long has the vapor xx skate lasted for you till it went "soft"?

[edited by Hockeyshark: when choosing a topic title, please specify what exact product you refer to... Vapor XX is not specific enough as there are XX skates, sticks, gloves...]

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Theres a lot of info around here on the board somewhere. But my cousin had a pair of vapor XX's, they lasted about 2 months, and he switched back to grafs. But he also skates and plays hockey pretty much everyday.

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Last season, my XXs lasted about three or four weeks of pretty much everyday skating before I noticed a big difference in the stiffness of the boots. To be honest with you, I like them a whole lot more now than I did at the beginning of last season. I hope my new pair will break down the exact same way.

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Last season, my XXs lasted about three or four weeks of pretty much everyday skating before I noticed a big difference in the stiffness of the boots.  To be honest with you, I like them a whole lot more now than I did at the beginning of last season.  I hope my new pair will break down the exact same way.

i feel exactly the same way. mine was 2 months of 6 times a week on the ice and now that they are soft, i still like them. i tape my ankles once if that helps any, but i think the claim to fame of those skates is that they are the lightest thigns ever to touch my feet, and i love lightspeeds.

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Last season, my XXs lasted about three or four weeks of pretty much everyday skating before I noticed a big difference in the stiffness of the boots.  To be honest with you, I like them a whole lot more now than I did at the beginning of last season.  I hope my new pair will break down the exact same way.

i feel exactly the same way. mine was 2 months of 6 times a week on the ice and now that they are soft, i still like them. i tape my ankles once if that helps any, but i think the claim to fame of those skates is that they are the lightest thigns ever to touch my feet, and i love lightspeeds.

You should check out the G series. A kid on my team just got a pair and there amzingly light.

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My custom XXs are holding up much better than my teamates stock ones(we skate the same amount of time) im not sure if its because my foot fits better and doesnt move and stretch some of the material or what but mine look much better than thiers....

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You two who told him to search, there is barely anything on this board yet on this topic. I doubt he would find "a ton of info," but he may find some.

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