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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Bauer Supreme 900's

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Hey everyone,

My friend at work has a pair of old Bauer Supreme 900's. He used them for rec hockey about 10-12 years ago. What type of holder is on these skates? He says that they are Tuuk's. I'm assuming its an early model custom holder. His blades are severely rusted and he needs to replace the steel. He took them to a local shop and they told him that they would have to take the holder off to replace the steel. Is this true? The shop said that they didn't even know that there was still steel available for this holder. Are they feeding him bull?

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The skate outsole might not have the holes to access the Tuuk screws, hence the unmounting of the holder to change the steel. You see this on the lower-end Bauers.

The Custom + steel should fit without a problem.

There are some older Tuuks that had thinner steel (eg. Tuuk 2000 clear) and it's a tight fit but the newer steel will fit.

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Hey everyone,

My friend at work has a pair of old Bauer Supreme 900's. He used them for rec hockey about 10-12 years ago. What type of holder is on these skates? He says that they are Tuuk's. I'm assuming its an early model custom holder. His blades are severely rusted and he needs to replace the steel. He took them to a local shop and they told him that they would have to take the holder off to replace the steel. Is this true? The shop said that they didn't even know that there was still steel available for this holder. Are they feeding him bull?

you're friend may be better off buying a new pair of skates rather than replacing the steel on his relics. Many a good last year models can be found cheap, just a tad bit more than what 2 new steels would cost.

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