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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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L7 disappointment

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I have been in my L7 from the first of the school year, and in my game i took a shot to my foot and it hurt like H311 so after the game i took alook at the skate, and what do i see but a cut in the boot about a inch long. This wasnt like just a cut in the fibers, but a cut that went threw the entire outer shell. The entire side of the skate is as soft as a converse now. SO lets say sunday i am to the LHS to pick op some new kicks i think i am going back to bauer or maybe 1300c.

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I doubt they would do anything w/o the boots returned. After all, they would want to have their r&d guys see what failed so they can figure out a way for it not to happen again.

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I prob gonna just go back to bauers, but if mission wanted and payed shipping i would have no problem sending them the skates to learn about what happened.

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I prob gonna just go back to bauers, but if mission wanted and payed shipping i would have no problem sending them the skates to learn about what happened.

You'll have to pay for shipping the skates to them, but they'll take care of sending them back to you.

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