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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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All Torhs Team

another topic gone awry

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Ifs its on the rink, like the passing in the slot situation, theres always excuses for it, i didnt see you, maybe he didnt or, maybe there wasnt a real lane for the pass, if they dont like you on the rink, thats another story, maybe all those guys have played together for years, want to play a certain type of game, strategys and whatnot, that your just not used too. now if anything goes on off the rink, like vandalism of your place, or any hazing specifaclly towards you, then somethin needs to be done. and if your one of the better players on the team then just threaten to quit. if your on the weaker end, find another team, theres no reason to play with a bunch of dicks, if all you like to do is play hockey.

**siggghhhh** glad to get that all out :rolleyes:

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Ifs its on the rink, like the passing in the slot situation, theres always excuses for it, i didnt see you, maybe he didnt or, maybe there wasnt a real lane for the pass, if they dont like you on the rink, thats another story, maybe all those guys have played together for years, want to play a certain type of game, strategys and whatnot, that your just not used too. now if anything goes on off the rink, like vandalism of your place, or any hazing specifaclly towards you, then somethin needs to be done. and if your one of the better players on the team then just threaten to quit. if your on the weaker end, find another team, theres no reason to play with a bunch of dicks, if all you like to do is play hockey.

**siggghhhh** glad to get that all out  :rolleyes:

This advice is as good as gold. It's nice to hear advice from someone who is an expert on people thinking they are a prick!

***Edit: 300***

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hahah i told tohrs to go play in traffic on a PM so he sent me this after the drug debate that got locked

"man o man, look who came out of their shell ! ohmy.gif well since your girl friend had to ASK to get in to vic.S. i guess she wasnt good enought to get asked! ever thinka that one? if you aint never done one single thing then i know for a fact that your a queer and you prob. made up all that stuff about how good your life is. except for beiing on honor roll and what not, that doesnt suprise me. and you really hurt my feelings there when you said my school sucks, well you know what, i hate it too! so thanks, you got something off my back there that i wanted to get out. Have a nice day. laugh.gif "

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Can we get a post without TORHS and you TORS haters going at it? We've had sme good topics go to hell because of this gibberish.

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