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Paul Kariya?

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Topic. Why is it that his name is hardly ever mentioned here? Does he not have any fans? :)

How is he? What's his team? Is he injured? Or is he playing? How is he playing in the new NHL?

Bure has retired (sigh... :( ) but Kariya was very similar: small, electric, fast, agile, terrific shot... bit of a playmaker though and not quite as good at stickhandling...

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At one point Kariya was one of the "young guns" of the NHL and thought to be the future of the league. Manufacturers, sponsors and the NHL have found other players that they want to publicize.

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Kariya's done well down here and has played on a combo of lines. Generally they play him with Perrault for the most part.

He's a guy with flashy skills, but he's not flashy in general. It's almost like you don't pay attention to the guy because it's so fluid and steady.

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He's in Naaaaashille?!! wow :D

Does he still sport those BLACK Tuuk blade holders? :) (It was Jagr,him; Sakic and Desjardins (both converted now) - the only players in the league with those black blade runners... I probably should start a new thread regarding the "white Vs Black Vs silver" bladerunner opinion poll...jk But, Imo black runners look far cooler on black boots,where as whites only look good when there's a lot of white on the boot itself (like old Micron Mega!:wub:) B)

So i think I will be checking out Predator games... He was really one of my favourite players in the mid 90' untill the concussion... Afterwards he ever so slowly faded into invisible player. But now it's a different game..!

Just wondering, has he ever had a knee injury? People say that Bure ruined his knees with his speedskater style and over developed thighs... but Kariya's a "speedskater" too!

"I always thought Kariya might edge Pavel in stickhandeling, not to nitpick or anything."- Naa... You've judging the "the Ranger" Bure - still Bure, but in his twighlight... Bure was... ohh! never mind! it's making me feel sad and old (remebers nostalgic utterences of the old folk about "Bobby Orr and Co" how young ones never REALLY believe them) ...

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He's in Naaaaashille?!! wow :D

Does he still sport those BLACK Tuuk blade holders? :) (It was Jagr,him; Sakic and Desjardins (both converted now) - the only players in the league with those black blade runners... I probably should start a new thread regarding the "white Vs Black Vs silver" bladerunner opinion poll...jk But, Imo black runners look far cooler on black boots,where as whites only look good when there's a lot of white on the boot itself (like old Micron Mega!:wub:) B)

So i think I will be checking out Predator games... He was really one of my favourite players in the mid 90' untill the concussion... Afterwards he ever so slowly faded into invisible player. But now it's a different game..!

Just wondering, has he ever had a knee injury? People say that Bure ruined his knees with his speedskater style and over developed thighs... but Kariya's a "speedskater" too!

"I always thought Kariya might edge Pavel in stickhandeling, not to nitpick or anything."- Naa... You've judging the "the Ranger" Bure - still Bure, but in his twighlight... Bure was... ohh! never mind! it's making me feel sad and old (remebers nostalgic utterences of the old folk about "Bobby Orr and Co" how young ones never REALLY believe them) ...

pretty sure dougy weight is still rockin the black tuuks on his xx's

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I'm assuming it's custom, I can't see the graphics changing and no one else having it at this point. Hopefully they'll pop up around here as well.

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Oh, he's asking about the brown UGs to the new piss-looking ones?

Brown ones>These new ones. I want to say it's at the very least because the old ones were clear-coated, but there's something different when I've tried both. Won't go near the new Ultra Grips either.

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Game-wise, he looks good. Plays on a goofy line though, they'll put him out with Stevenson and Hordichuk a lot but he still gets that line going. Then today the go to the shootout and he puts on the worst non-move this side of Jason Allison.

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I used to be a MONSTER Kariya fan, and from personal observation, I must say that ever since the Suter incident, he has not been the same player. He still has all the skills and can be dynamite when he's on, but over the past few years, it looks like he's been more and more of a non-factor. For the most part, he's waiting for his chances rather than creating them himself.

I had hoped that this new NHL might revitalize his game, as he is 32 and should be peaking at his max in the next year or two. Hopefully, he will begin to take a more dynamic playing style as he grows accustomed to the new league. I believe that Nashville is a fantastic fit for him (as much as I would've loved to see him in Toronto), but I don't know why he doesn't log more time with Steve Sullivan - it could be Paul and Steevu Sullivanne. Here's hoping for a big second half from him.

As for why he doesn't get much "press," around here, I just have to believe that he hasn't really been worth talking about much lately... :(

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