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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Making the Cut DVD

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I watched almost every episode on tv. It was okay, some interesting stories and insight, but I personally would not pay $40 US to watch it.

Everyone is going to have a different opinion, so I guess there is no right or wrong answer.

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I bought the set used on ebay for $5.50,for the price I paid it was well worth it.

I liked it alot,I hope they have another season of it.Too bad ill have to wait untill that comes on DVD.

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It's actually pretty good, in my opinion. I paid like $25 US for it when I was in Toronto this summer. I expected it to be bad but I was suprised it wasn't too bad. The only thing they didn't do well was the draft for the final six guys. It was pretty weak <_< .

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I watched it on my Summer Trip to the States in July, i watched the complete season twice! I loved it.

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I watched it on my Summer Trip to the States in July, i watched the complete season twice! I loved it.

thats mine BTW, i would like it back someday :P

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My coach is in his 30s and he made it to the 3rd round and was on tv and stuff it was pretty cool. He said the talent there was very high and the atmosphere was intense among everyone and it was very competitive.

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