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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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blade splitting...solutions?

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Well my blade is splitting at the bottom(syns sicore) after 1 year of 4x time use per week(not bad at all)...

Is EPOXY especially made for composite??

Because my dad work in a car shop and have super glue...(i think they most be good to repair car...)

but i was wondering if they were any special glue for composite...



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i still can play with it and stay stiff...but i just found that the crack is about 2 mm large...but when i ''twist'' the blade it open to about a haft cm if not more!!

But at 140cnd the blade...i will wait till it break!

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1 year damn that is a really long time. you should consider buying them on the internet it should save you alot of money, just a thought.

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Buy them on here! I picked up a Synthesis SiCore blade for 30 USD shipped to me, and it's virtually brand new.

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i still can play with it and stay stiff...but i just found that the crack is about 2 mm large...but when i ''twist'' the blade it open to about a haft cm if not more!!

But at 140cnd the blade...i will wait till it break!

what the hell are you talking? Isn't a comp blade 79,99 CND plus taxes.

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My dad brought me this repair kit from a car shop which worked pretty well. It was some sheets of fibre(-glass?) cloth, a can of resin and a small tube with some light red colored hardener paste. (almost neon pink/orange even). No clue what you would call that in english.

I repaired the blade of a wood stick with that. Not sure what that stuff is called but it was supposed to be used to fix cracked plastic bumpers or spoilers or whatever car parts so it could work with a composite blade.

Anyway, the laminate and a part of the blade was broken along the bottom (worse than yours from what you say) so I cut a strip of the cloth to approx the size of a strip of tape, drenched that in the resin to make it stick along the bottom and wrapped it up a little on both sides of the blade and let it dry a little. Then you had to mix a little more of the resin with a certain amount of the hardener and then but this as a second layer over the cloth. Let it dry for a couple hours and spray paint it over. New tapejob and the thing was like new and lasted me like 5 more months.

That´s more than a decade ago, though. I wouldn´t do it nowadays and it probably wouldn´t hold up as long cause I did not have a slapper back then.

I loved that stick so much though and I had plenty of time to waste after school so I gave that a try and it worked. It was Sher-Wood Karpovtsev pro just for good measure :D

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what is that picture all about those skates are awesome are they on sale or are they a prototype?

i want some are they expensive and where do you get them from? what other colours are there?

can you get them personalised team colours and name and number atall that would be awesome?

write back.

Joe Edwards 38

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i still can play with it and stay stiff...but i just found that the crack is about 2 mm large...but when i ''twist'' the blade it open to about a haft cm if not more!!

But at 140cnd the blade...i will wait till it break!

what the hell are you talking? Isn't a comp blade 79,99 CND plus taxes.

Well last year the synthesis si-core was 129cnd plus tax!!

this year they are 99cnd

Look at rousseausports...129cnd for a z-carbon sicore!!+tax!!!

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what is that picture all about those skates are awesome are they on sale or are they a prototype?

i want some are they expensive and where do you get them from? what other colours are there?

can you get them personalised team colours and name and number atall that would be awesome?

write back.

Joe Edwards 38

Those are drawings of custom skates, not real, we had a thread on drawings a while ago

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Well my blade is splitting at the bottom(syns sicore) after 1 year of 4x time use per week(not bad at all)...

Is EPOXY especially made for composite??

Because my dad work in a car shop and have super glue...(i think they most be good to repair car...)

but i was wondering if they were any special glue for composite...



When my SiCore started to split on the bottom...I lightly sanded it to get the splitting to stop. Then I took a piece of tape and ran it lengthwise down the bottom of the blade. I then taped it like normal.

Been working well for about 4 games now.

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CobrAA my Si core synergy started to split like that in the heel. I tried taping horizontally along the bottom of the blade, double layering the heel, taping really tightly, and none of them solved it. I could twist the blade and have it open up enough to fit a pencil into. I think your best bet is to buy a new one, cause it will still be softer than its supposed to be no matter how you fix it. Besides a year out of a composite blade is pretty great!

On a similar note, the Toe of my SL is starting to open up. I usually tape the entire thing, including the toe, (ala Kovalchuck) and it still is opening up. It hasnt soffened the blade or anything yet, but any ideas on what I could do to keep it from going around the toe and starring to split the bottom of the blade or the top of the blade.

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Sweet link...thx

No problem, I just thought of a possible solution and a little google searching returned a bunch of choices. They seemed like a good choice.

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both of my SL's one i bought and the other warrenty replacement, started splitting on the top of the blade where the blade meets the shaft. i tryed to glue it but it didnt last at all. i had tryed everything before that.

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