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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Pronger Skate?/Ankle Protection?

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to bump this old topic i recently broke my leg and ankle, but should be back to skating this summer (june-july) and im planning on trying some of those protectors from external blows, besides the one from toronto hockey repair, has anyone seen any other models/style and have a link, thanks

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bet ya guys didn't think he skated in a 8.5?

My brother is 6'5, wears a size 14 shoe and skates in a 9.5

Its all personal preferance. He says that he gets better use of his edges...but then again, he blocked a shot with his foot and broke all of his toes...

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bet ya guys didn't think he skated in a 8.5?

My brother is 6'5, wears a size 14 shoe and skates in a 9.5

Its all personal preferance. He says that he gets better use of his edges...but then again, he blocked a shot with his foot and broke all of his toes...

How do you manage to fit in a 9.5 skate if your foot is a 14 shoe. Im 13 shoe and in 11 skate. I dont understand :S

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Some people just like to cram in there. I thought Pronger wore a 6.5 skate to be honest.

Coffey used to just hammer his foot into skates that were a few sizes too small, Gretz tried it a few times as well.

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EDIT:and dont start this crap about its already been posted

Well it already HAS been posted, and discussed, Don't want to burst your bubble.

Edit: I couldn't image jamming a foot into a skate that small. I have trouble getting my foot into a size 12 sneaker when i'm only size 13. Beyond me.

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But I was referencing what my buddy, who's head of PR for the blues told me about his skates while he was in St. Louis.

Did your buddy tell you about the prank on Tkachuk early in the season when they found the old promo lunch boxes??

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