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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Hockey equipment on tv

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I was just watching cold pizza on ESPN and they had a segment on some new hockey equipment, RBK goalie pads, XXX skates and XXX lite. I was suprised to see it and even more surprised that Jay actually could shoot pretty well...

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I'm in vancouver and I've seen tonnes of hockey gear ads

I've seen nike ads with nazzy, iggy, kovalchuk, Fedorov

RBK ads with all their past (modano) and current players

CCM ads with Thorton and Vinny

Seen some ads with Theodore too

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We're supposed to have two spots on TSN during the highlights show of the Legends Classics Tour.

However, I can't find it yet on TSN's schedule. Nevertheless, since I'm down in the States, if anyone could burn a DVD of the show, I'd greatly appreciate it.

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We're supposed to have two spots on TSN during the highlights show of the Legends Classics Tour.

However, I can't find it yet on TSN's schedule. Nevertheless, since I'm down in the States, if anyone could burn a DVD of the show, I'd greatly appreciate it.

PM me when you know it's going to be on and I could do that for you, I have one of those video cards that has a cable input on it.

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