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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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New James Bond ......scared of guns ?!

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(BANG) - Daniel Craig is getting used to being the new 007 - by checking into hotels as Jimmy Bond.

The star reportedly started using a version of his movie character's famous name since winning the role of the dashing spy earlier this year.

Last month, it was revealed the hunky actor is struggling to overcome his biggest fear to play the superspy - he is terrified of guns.

The Layer Cake star will have to handle a range of weapons to play 007 in the next James Bond movie, Casino Royale, but says he was left petrified after seeing a real life bullet wound.

The 37-year-old star revealed: "I hate handguns. They are used to shoot people and as long as they are around, people will shoot each other."

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