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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Blade question

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I currently have a Synthesis with a synethsis blade and it is not doing well. i've broken like 8 of them in the past year. I am looking to buy a XN10 tpaered shaft but I don't know which blade to get. I use a lidstrom now but I can't get my shots low to the ice and the blade always wears down on the heel. ANY SUGGESTIONS for a new tapered blade and pattern? I want a low shot (defensemen) that I can still get the puck high off the glass when needed.

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Guest 2048

It's personal preference, but something more closed would definitely help you keep your shot down.

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Which curve that is closed would help my problem with cracking the blade at the heel (i use a lidstrom).

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Which curve that is closed would help my problem with cracking the blade at the heel (i use a lidstrom).

I'd look into the TPS Tkachuk, Bauer XV PM9, Mission L-2 Gaborik. They are all Modano clones and are a lower lie (5), that should help with the heel problems.

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