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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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RBK PUMP 9 K skate, picture link

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That lace lock thing has got to go. It's not natural to have your laces locked in so tight that the boot can't self adjust. Until they get rid of that system these skates won't even appear on my radar.

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The lace lock is one of the best features to ever appear on a skate. I've been using the 8Ks since they were available and they are the best skate I've owned to this day. You don't have to tighten the lace lock area to the point of causing pain. I see some guys in the locker room pull their laces to the point where I think they're gonna rip. I only give a little tug on the laces. The beauty of the lace lock is you can decide whether you want the bottom half tighter or looser or vice versa.

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The lace lock is one of the best features to ever appear on a skate. I've been using the 8Ks since they were available and they are the best skate I've owned to this day. You don't have to tighten the lace lock area to the point of causing pain. I see some guys in the locker room pull their laces to the point where I think they're gonna rip. I only give a little tug on the laces. The beauty of the lace lock is you can decide whether you want the bottom half tighter or looser or vice versa.

Agreed on all accounts. Love the lacelock. I think the "reflex-bar" on the externos was pretty nifty as well.

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Actually -- u can take off the lace lock contraption thingy - preety easily -- any LHS can do it -- Quick story- when i purchased my Vectors i was tying them up and i hated the Lace Lock thingy - wanted the guy to take them off - he told me to try them for a couple of games - if they were still annoying u can bring them back and hell pop them off-- After a few games u get used to them - not saying there a great addition - but i think they are somewhat helpfull - after u get used to it. The Only problem iv had is that the holes right after the lace lock u cant seem to get really tight - as your pulling the lace up to get it tight the lace lock kicks in preventing u to get that part tighter- which is crucial for me cause i like the support lower down and loose higher up-- anyways i think its a nice option for a skate to come with.


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