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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Lower body help

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Ok, I've been hassled by my coach to build up my speed. Anyway to do so?

I know squats and plyometrics will help but are there any other suggestions you may able to tell me?

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Imagine the perfect form in your mind over and over for 10 mins each day. This in addition to any excercise and stregnth building in your legs will help greatly.

Remember: It's all in the toe flick. ;)

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its hard to explain the exact technique but here are some key things,

-dont lean forward .keep your back as straight as possible ,you lose alot of power when you lean forward

-be down at 90 deegrees

-drive your front foot forward ,dont listen to the coachs who tell you to bring your foot up to your other foot a shoulder width apart ,you should drive your foot as far forward as possible and bring it as far in as possible

-EXTEND and keep your leg straight and lift it off the ice as little as possible or not at all

-when your left leg goes forward your right arm goes forward ,and right leg to left leg ,never move your arms side to side ,always straight ,it will push you forward

-keep your shoulders straight

-practise getting down at 90 deegrees ,keeping your back straight up and extending while driving the other foot through and repeating ,start slow ,gain technique and slowly speed it up. you can do this technique in a doorway too

-long smooth strides rather then short choppy ones it doesnt matter how fast your legs move with short choppy strides because 1 long smooth stride can compare to like 5 short choppy ones

-as for strength ,i suggest leg press ,squats and core(i pull alot of muscles because my legs are freakishly strong and my core is weak)

once you have it down pat you will save alot of energy and have alot more power in your stride. I look like im not even trying when i skate because of my form. Its hard to explain over the internet ,its alot easier with demonstrations. Try to find a good power skating coach ,at my school hockey program out here in langley B.C. we have a rather nice looking lady named karen kos who has improved my stride by like 200% and i was already a good skater but little things improved my stride by alot.

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Work on your footspeed, maybe you wont be faster, but you'll have a better acceleration and will be "quicker". Try things like running down hill, or Ladder and Five dot drills if you have ever heard of those.

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Work on your footspeed, maybe you wont be faster, but you'll have a better acceleration and will be "quicker". Try things like running down hill, or Ladder and Five dot drills if you have ever heard of those.

good point i knew i was missing something ;)

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skate weights

Skate weights will screw with your balance or "feel" when you take them off because it's all concentrated at the bottom of your leg.

If you want resistance when you skate and still be free (from bungee cords or a partner) I've seen weight "shorts".

They're like weight vests for basketball players but the apparatus goes over your thighs and is suspended by a belt around your waist, straps, velcro, etc etc.

This is all just my opinion though.

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Core workouts can't be stressed enough. You'll notice a huge difference in your skating and strength on the puck once you've got a strong core.

If you can get a partner, an exercise that works well is throwing a medicine ball while doing situps on a decline bench. The steeper the decline the better.

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True! That's where the speed come from!

You cant be fast if you dont have technique!

Of course some good exercise would help you, but first... technique!

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Have someone video tape you as you skate full speed. Are you bringing your skates together at the start of the stride, or are they 1 1/2 feet apart (losing 10% of your stride)? At the end of your stride is your leg extended fully, with almost no bend at the knee, or is your knee bent and your pushing skate kicking up in the air (losing 20% of your stride)? You can pick up 30% of your speed right there without pumping one ounce of iron.

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