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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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skate problem

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They could be a little too tight across the top of your foot. Lacing them a bit more loosely through that area could help.

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Tacks fit wide, but they're also pretty shallow. Are you sure the fit is "superb"?

You can't punch out a toe box. But in view of the shallow fit, is the top of your foot bulging the laces a bit? If so, you may want to losen that area to keep the pressure off.

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I stumbled upon this simple lacing method while observing the habits of a teammate from my rec league a few years ago.

Most people either tighten the toes too tight, or the midfoot too tight. I've never really had issues with lacing, other than the occasional tension adjustment, but my main problem was getting cold toes. I'd show up early before a game and do up my skates up earlier to let my feet warm up in my skates before my game.

I notice that this guy on my team shows up early too and does the same, except he laces his skates up only to the second last eyelet, tightens them, but does not tie them up. He'll sit there for about 5-10 minutes, and then ties it up just before he gets on the ice.

I tried to figure out the rationale behind doing that, so I thought I'd try it for myself and see. I figured out that if you lace up your skates very tightly (and leave it untied) you allow the laces to relax to a natural degree of tightness at the fore, and midfoot. I think the wait time, plus the body heat from your foot helps to expand and unwind the partially laced boot to a natural threshold, or a "neutral" tension.

Before hitting the ice, you tighten up the upper as you normally would to lock in the lacing. Since I've tried this method, I rarely have to readjust my tension during a game.

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I have to admit I have obsessive compulsive disorder when it comes to tying my skates. I probably tie and untie my skates about three times each before a game. For me it's about getting the two exactly the same.

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That's funny jjtt99, I do the same thing sometimes. Not every game, but I remember a few games ago I must have untied and re-tied my skates 5 times. I was going crazy!

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How old are you? Not that you should post that, here. Have you had a checkup by a Dr. lately? Numbness in your lower extremities could be an indicator of other things.

Probably has to do with the skates, but something you should think about -- especially as you get into your 30s.

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