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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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r2 composite feel..is it like the Response or R+

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I've used a stealth and didn't really liked the feel...i prefer synthesis feel...not ''hot blade'' i like to have a certain ''cushining'' with the puck

could the r2 composite blade be my kind?

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We had many topics where people used the term "ceramic" for TPS blades. In my opinion that is a pretty good description. The blade on the Adrenaline is a different story, though. I don´t even know if it is a different blade at all but it does feel different to me. For me the Stealth blade had a much better feel as the XN10´s blade for example. Still (and I´m repeting myself) feel wise nothing comes close to Inno blades for me. So you see it´s a lot of pp as well.

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If you like the Synthesis blade (as I do) you probably won't like the R2. I find it to be extremely stiff, and very "Ceramic" feeling. If you don't have goods hands to cradle the hard passes, it feels like the puck flies off too quick.

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I used some friction tape tonight and it seemed to help a bit. I've already adapted to the feel and it isn't too bad after the first couple games but I still prefer the old style TPS blades.

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sr27..is the adrenaline feel comparable to an Stealth or SL ?

Haven´t tried an SL, yet and probably won´t.

I could put it simple by saying no but to compare the Stealth and the Adrenaline is difficult and will take a little longer to explain. (at least for me since I´m not a native speaker :P )First off they are the two best OPS I´ve ever used but I can´t really give a neutral suggestion to which one is better. Probably depends a lot on the game situation, kind of player you are and what´s you personal preference.

As a little background...the problem I´m having with Easton stuff in general is that I just don´t like their retail curves. Since the Shanny is gone and the Yzerman is not available on the top end stuff I am turning away from Easton. I would love to try a Gaborik but they seem to be impossible to find over here in Germany. So I had to go with the Sakic (too much heel, too open for me) on my first and the Iginla (too small and not enough toehook) on my second Stealth. Also I was stuck with 100 Flex which usually was fine but with the Stealth the real flex seems a little lower than on other Easton sticks so would like to try one in 110. The Adrenaline I got is a Langenbrunner pro which is also not a perfet curve for me but I could adjust to it better than the others. I am currently waiting for my Adrenaline Control Sundin curve and that should be much better for me. Well, what I was going to say is that I think due to curve issues I have not used these two sticks to full potential, yet.

Anyway, the Stealth is lighter and you definitly feel it on the other hand the Adrenaline is more evenly ballanced (still feels very light compared to 90% of other OPS) . So stickhandling comes very natural with the Adrenaline but what I really love about it is that you can "feel" your passes. Like when you want to adjust your pass in the last second to give it a slight change of direction I am having that feeling that I always know where the puck is on the blade. Whereas with the Stealth it happend a couple of times that I wanted to tip the puck but it just slipped over the toe or hit the tip of the blade and bounced away.

What I dislike about the Adrenaline is the shooting aspect. Wrist shots don´t have enough velocity for my liking and slap shots are pretty average or just like with any other stick I used. Nothing special. Without tapping my own shoulder I can say I have huge slapper with just about any stick but the Stealth though fires rockets that I have never before pulled off. This is probably because the blade/shaft weight ratio that they advertise as 1:3. Snap shots and wrister just seem to fly off without much effort and when you wind up for a slapper you almost can´t feel the blade at all or let´s say it feels like how to me a "one pice" stick is supposed to feel. No bladeheavieness at all. I have the feeling that the windup is more natural and quicker as well. Same goes for the release because it just pops and off it goes without much follow through. So when you know where the puck is and where you have to place the blade that is a real advantage to me. I know this part is kind of hard to understand but again as I´m not a native speaker I´m lacking the right words to explain it better. Maybe you could sum it up by saying the Stealth is a stick that has to be put in the right hands? I don´t know how old you are but I´d say your average 13 year old doesn´t need or know how to handle a Stealth.

So in my opinion if these two sticks are your only options and you are more of a stickhandler and passer you would be better of with the Adrenaline. If you are a shooter I would suggest the Stealth. All giving that you can get them in a flex and curve you like.

Whew...I need some sleep.

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