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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Outdoor Flooding

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they usually wait till end of the month or start of december to do it here. Its minus 15 today, but with the wild chill its -25.

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they usually wait till end of the month or start of december to do it here. Its minus 15 today, but with the wild chill its -25.

Yeah I think in the Toronto area it's done no earlier than a specific date in December I believe.

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minnesota doesnt usually have rinks until x-mas break. but even when we do flood them our weather fluxuates so badly due to this el-nino, la-nina and whatever else bullshit we have every winter. one week its nice and cold to play hockey and the next week its all melted :rolleyes:

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minnesota doesnt usually have rinks until x-mas break. but even when we do flood them our weather fluxuates so badly due to this el-nino, la-nina and whatever else bullshit we have every winter. one week its nice and cold to play hockey and the next week its all melted :angry:

Just curious where at in MN are you from, Im also from Minnesota... And here in MN we just got our first snow fall so it'll be around a month before they lay ice I bet..

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Its been in the 60s for awhile here,but at night drops to around 30. It snowed for ahole 5 minutes the other night, then it downpoured

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Two years ago we had useable hard ice by November 11th. Last year it was around the third week of November. They need to let the temps stay below zero for atleast a week for the ground to completely freeze before they lay down the ice.

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