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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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RBK Pump Skates 9K and 5K

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I just got a 1800faceoff catalogue and it has the 5K Pumps for $249 (Sr.) Not on the web site yet. Looks identical to the 9Ks except the dark grey stripes are more silver. Very nice looking skate. Way nicer than the other K series thus far. Should look even nicer with Tuuk LSs. ;) I called and was told $500 for the 9Ks, and will be available first week of December.

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When they say first week of december, they mean the third week of april ;)

Anybody know when they are really going to come out. December or spring? I need new skates and dont want to wait until spring and want to atleast try these on if they are going to be out in December..

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My CCM rep is coming by tomorrow to explain the Pump program, e.g, the special buy 1000 pairs and get 10% off wholesale. ;) Anyway. I was told before xmas. I already ordered the 9ks, betting on the come. I was assured that THC has it's "distribution" problems solved now. We'll see. I will be selling the 5k for $239.99, can't say the 9k price but will be less than 1800faceoff.

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Can someone put up a picture of the PUMP 5K?? Thanks!! Really wanna try a pump skate, but I guess 9K will be too $$ for me. 5K will be nice.

Also, is 9K or 5K have the wide mid-foot feature of 8K??

BTW, anyone know will RBK provide any warranty on the Pump Skates?? Because I had a Pump shoes many years ago, and after a couple years, the pump system on my left shoes was broken down somehow (no more inflation with pumping).

and I suppose it will be very hard to the LHS to fix the pump in the skates.

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Jimmy can you say the price of the 9k through a p.m.?

Let's just say I will beat the online store's price, whatever that happens to be. Plus, you get the best skate sharpening in the world included with the price too! :D

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Not an RBK fan, but I have to say that the 5K looks nice...and the potential of the PUMP system in getting a better fit is certainly intriguing.

Yes the fit should be nice, but I think the KOR will have it beat for fit/comfort! I soon will have the world's first Kor goal skate. The Kor guy (Vince) was here yesterday with my sales rep and I'm getting a pair soon that I will have the tendon guard cut off and I will install goal cowlings. Can't wait! Also can't wait for the RBK pump goal skate. Should be an interesting comparison, Kor and pump.

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Not an RBK fan, but I have to say that the 5K looks nice...and the potential of the PUMP system in getting a better fit is certainly intriguing.

Yes the fit should be nice, but I think the KOR will have it beat for fit/comfort! I soon will have the world's first Kor goal skate. The Kor guy (Vince) was here yesterday with my sales rep and I'm getting a pair soon that I will have the tendon guard cut off and I will install goal cowlings. Can't wait! Also can't wait for the RBK pump goal skate. Should be an interesting comparison, Kor and pump.

Never heard of Kor until now, but I had a look...I'm not sure about it, the skate looks a bit...plastic-y. What's with the Pitch holders? On license from Mission?

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Jimmy can you say the price of the 9k through a p.m.?

Let's just say I will beat the online store's price, whatever that happens to be. Plus, you get the best skate sharpening in the world included with the price too! :D

If you say so :P

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I know for a fact rbk had a problem on the first batch of pump skates(their Rep said so), the fit is just like the 8k in the for- and midfoot sections and then ofcourse pump in the back...

Nice skates, but looking forward to switching over to skates that are non-inflatable , and avoid the possibility of a "flat tire".

Play Inline, would love to try KOR skates but unless one could buy the boot seperatly it would be too expensive (IMO), have this innervision of skating around in KOR skates with Alloy's on Mmm :ph34r:

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Never heard of Kor until now, but I had a look...I'm not sure about it, the skate looks a bit...plastic-y. What's with the Pitch holders? On license from Mission?

The skate is not plastic, it's solid carbon. Likely the most protective skate out there. The sole will never seperate and it's Unibody construction is sound. Did you view the video on the Kor web site. If not, this is a must see. Kor is not your typical skate.

The Missions will work great on this skate, absolutely nothing wrong with the holders or steel. Mission was the only company "nice" enough to let Kor use them in production. There are several other holders that will align with the boot holes if for some strange reason you don't like Mission.

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Never heard of Kor until now, but I had a look...I'm not sure about it, the skate looks a bit...plastic-y.  What's with the Pitch holders?  On license from Mission?

The skate is not plastic, it's solid carbon. Likely the most protective skate out there. The sole will never seperate and it's Unibody construction is sound. Did you view the video on the Kor web site. If not, this is a must see. Kor is not your typical skate.

The Missions will work great on this skate, absolutely nothing wrong with the holders or steel. Mission was the only company "nice" enough to let Kor use them in production. There are several other holders that will align with the boot holes if for some strange reason you don't like Mission.

I was just saying that it looked, aesthetically, plastic-y.

In any event, I generally don't have any beef with Mission, but have never found their products to be to my taste. I'd like to get a pair of their gloves in Nylon though...I was just was wondering if they had licensed the use of the Pitch holder to Kor - which it looks like they have.

Thanks for the response.

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Just Easton and Tuuk +. How are you going to get hte cowling to fit?

I'm going to remove the mission holder and trace/make a thin plastic template of the mission anchors locations. Then put the template inside the cowling and drill holes from inside out. I should only have to do 4 forward and 4 in the heel, that's all goal skates need for support. If I have any problems, I will use the Kor helicoil repair kit and put in my own anchor points. I think as long as my template is accurate, the holes will line up fine, plus goal cowlings have a lot of wiggle room and I can adjust redrill if needed. I plan on using an old cowling as a test platform, if the template works, I will then drill the new cowlings.

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Yeah, that's what I would do.

What is the helicoil repair kit?

Yes, it is for repair. Since the Kor uses imbeded anchors, if one is stripped or needs repair, Kor has the complete kit to repair. Vince demo'd it for me the other day. Doesn't look like a fun job.

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