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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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RBK Pump Skates 9K and 5K

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well bouce... don't worry. soon enough you'll get to see how it works!!!

back to the main topic though... was just playin around with the 9K pump. was not all that impressed... but thats just my opinion. but whoever tries to skate on the actual pair i was lookin at will have one hell of a time. holder was crooked, blade was bent, and twisted.

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well bouce... don't worry. soon enough you'll get to see how it works!!!

back to the main topic though... was just playin around with the 9K pump. was not all that impressed... but thats just my opinion. but whoever tries to skate on the actual pair i was lookin at will have one hell of a time. holder was crooked, blade was bent, and twisted.

Sounds like a Bauer skate! :D Seriously, more specifics about the model you are commenting about, was it just a demo for dealers to look at? Patrice Bergeron is not having any troublewith his 9k's. <_<

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well bouce... don't worry.  soon enough you'll get to see how it works!!!

back to the main topic though... was just playin around with the 9K pump.  was not all that impressed... but thats just my opinion.  but whoever tries to skate on the actual pair i was lookin at will have one hell of a time.  holder was crooked, blade was bent, and twisted.

Sounds like a Bauer skate! :D Seriously, more specifics about the model you are commenting about, was it just a demo for dealers to look at? Patrice Bergeron is not having any troublewith his 9k's. <_<

I thought he was struggling quite a bit this year?

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Sounds like a Bauer skate!  :D  Seriously, more specifics about the model you are commenting about, was it just a demo for dealers to look at?  Patrice Bergeron is not having any troublewith his 9k's.  <_<

it was in a dealers office, but how "final" of a product it was... no idea. but from what i saw, the holder was uneven. if i looked at the skate, with the heel level, looking towards the front of the skate, the holder was twisted. causing the blade to twist and bend. there is a trim piece around the composite sole, and if the holder is mounted over that trim piece, it causes the holder to be uneven. may be more to it then that, but that was my quick observation.

and for those that do know the whsl price... i wasn't impressed with what ya get for the cost! (and no, don't bother asking what that price is)

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I wore these on Tuesday and Wednesday this week. The boot itself is awkward feeling, its a lot different than my G-35's. The pump was a nice addition, and I felt when I was doing them up that I could really get that perfect fit with them, which is niceee. I don't know how it will hold up though, it feels flimsy and I wouldn't be surprised if there are some problems with it. that being said, they're a really comfy skate on the ice as well, they didn't give me any problems on the first or second day. The only problem I had was with the E-blades, they took a little getting used to. I loved the responsiveness of the skate itself, IMO the best feature. I'm not sure if I'll get them yet because my G's are beauts but I'm tempted..

So far 5 guys on my team have been wearing them, and only 1 of them is so-so, the other 4 love em

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Sherwood are you talking about the 9k? if so hows the weight?

Im looking to get a pair cause my XXX's are shot

About the holder set up would it be possible to put tuuk+'s on it ?

How is the steel on the mission pitch holder?

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How is the steel on the mission pitch holder?

Chadd says that the Mission Pitch holders have excellent steel.

I think the holders look a little heavy, but I love the idea behind the technology.

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How is the steel on the mission pitch holder?

Chadd says that the Mission Pitch holders have excellent steel.

I think the holders look a little heavy, but I love the idea behind the technology.

The steel is very good and I couldn't care less about a couple grams of weight. It's not like 10 grams (or whatever the difference is) is the difference between me scoring a goal or not.

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How is the steel on the mission pitch holder?

Chadd says that the Mission Pitch holders have excellent steel.

I think the holders look a little heavy, but I love the idea behind the technology.

The steel is very good and I couldn't care less about a couple grams of weight. It's not like 10 grams (or whatever the difference is) is the difference between me scoring a goal or not.

Let me clarify for myself here: By very good do you mean strong, holds a good edge, or what?

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How is the steel on the mission pitch holder?

Chadd says that the Mission Pitch holders have excellent steel.

I think the holders look a little heavy, but I love the idea behind the technology.

The steel is very good and I couldn't care less about a couple grams of weight. It's not like 10 grams (or whatever the difference is) is the difference between me scoring a goal or not.

Let me clarify for myself here: By very good do you mean strong, holds a good edge, or what?

Holds an edge well, doesn't rust, doesn't pit, doesn't chip. Mine hasn't bent or twisted in any way in almost two years. I sharpen mine every 3 games or so, reffing or playing, and it's just about time to replace the steel.

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How easy would it be to mount these on some Vector Pro's, and could I do it myself? Would it be better to have it done for me at any rate?

Edit: And if I have a 9.5E skate, what size would I need to get to mount on it properly?

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That not the point...look he is asking to get tuuk mounted on so maybe he would mount pitch holder than mounting tuuk!

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i have shotty vector pros... 10 D... i get my skates from this one place becuase they do a sick job fitting, but they dont have enogu hcustomers to warrant a huge stock, so i would need to special order the 9k pumps from them.... since both vector pros and rbks are made by thg, and are obstensibly (lets not get caught up here in details) the same type of boot / skate, would i be fine in simply ordering 10 D?? thanks

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How easy would it be to mount these on some Vector Pro's, and could I do it myself? Would it be better to have it done for me at any rate?

Edit: And if I have a 9.5E skate, what size would I need to get to mount on it properly?

Have it done by someone with experience, it's worth the cost. Look at the size on your holder and order the same size in whatever holder you decide to use.

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