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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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St. Louis Skate Shops

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I am looking for a good ice hockey shop in the St. Louis area. Anyone have any suggestions?

I would love to open my own store, but not too sure if I could compete with the Internet sites. I have purchased some new equipment on ebay for some unreal prices (new 652s for $70.00). It must be hard to turn a good profit.

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Total Hockey is definitely tops around here in St. Louis. The main one (which the internet site is based out of) is located in Kirkwood. Talk to Greg Royer there....great guy. It's definitely the largest one. Then in North County, there is Fischer's Sports/Total Hockey (where Total Hockey was started from). Basically it's a whole sporting good store with a nice hockey selection inside. There's also a Total Hockey location in St. Peters which has excellent selection crammed into a small space. A few more locations also but I only frequent the above three.

Johnny' Macs Sporting Goods also has a great hockey department. The main store is located on Watson Rd. (HUGE hockey section). I highly recommend this one and maybe if you're lucky, they'll let you into the uber-secret basement. There's also great locations in Florissant, St. Charles, and St. Peters (talk to Scotty Jensen if you go here.)

Those are the main two hockey stores in the St. Louis area. There's a also a couple Hockey Loft store but it pales in comparison to the other two. Depending on what location in the St. Louis area you are staying I can help you out with directions. Feel free to PM me.

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Oops one more thing: If you're heading into town, you can catch the Blues open practice at the St. Louis Mills shopping mall most of this weekend starting today (where I'm going in a few hours). Usually at 11am. They're swinging a one game win streak so they may have some extra pop in their skates today! :lol: Again, any questions, PM me.

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I would love to open my own store, but not too sure if I could compete with the Internet sites.

Yep, I would love to open my own store here in Kansas City. There is only one some what decent store and they have no competition.

KC is far behind STL in hockey but we are getting better.

Maybe I could talk Total Hockey into opening a store in Kansas City. Anyone have contacts with them?

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Total Hockey should be able to do it. I've had them do just about everything including mounting, punching, baking, etc to my skates. The one in Kirkwood at Lindbergh/Big Bend -- right off of 44 is the best option.

I will also add to this thread and say that the Play It Again Sports on Manchester in Glendale can have some good selection and some good deals. I've picked up some bargains there.

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I'm going up next weekend for a tournament and I was wondering if Total Hockey or Johnny Macs can change holders on my skates, and if they sell the holders there, I'm wanting to put LS2's on my 9k's. I've been to both stores before but never looked into this. Thanks.

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pretty sure they could when i stopped in I say a ton of holders and a rivet press, but they do not do tongues. I'm swinging by a shoe repair shop next week.

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