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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Gaining weight fast!

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Hey not sure if this has been brought up before but what do you think the fastest and most effective way of gaining muscle mass is?

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Working out hard and effectively. You might also try supplements like Cytogainer or Muscle milk, I take musle milk and can say it absolutely works if you work out religiously like I do.

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be serious when you work out, set up a schedule and stick to it. when you lift, do close to your limit, half-assed workouts don't do anything for you. depending on your body type, it might be really easy or really difficult for you to gain muscle though.

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Try and go to the gym every 2 days, doing the same exercises. During the days off, be sure to eat foods with a lot of protein, such as chicken, eggs, meat and fish and be sure to rest.

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Last summer the most effective way I put on weight and strength was working out religiously and HARD,not to mention protein shakes and eating like crazy, also getting your rest is essential. Then I halfed assed it after I got hurt and lost pretty much everything I had worked to gain, injuries <_<

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more tips if you want fast results...

- eat every 3 hours, it's going to be expensive but if you can't manage, always keep protein bars in handy.

- enroll at a weight training program

- i can't stress enough about creatine monohydrate. I recommend EAS Phospahagen, it will work wonders for you just make sure you follow the correct intake phases...loading and maintenance. They proved that creatine increased energy levels, resulting in increased strength, endurance levels, and recovery rates....Excellent for work out, practices and actual games. Unlike steroids or drugs, creatine is 100% natural and occurs naturally in many foods.

- adequate rest is crucial

- last but not least.... be CONSISTENT


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Calories, calories, and more calories!

I had the same problem, here is what worked for me:

-eat carbs and protein (25-30grams) within a 30-45 minutes after your workout (very important)

-A glass of milk or yogurt one or two hours before going to bed.

-Remember to drink plenty of water-high protein diets can make your kidneys work harder.

-multivitamin plus EFA

If you still have trouble, eat even when you aren't hungry (force feed).

Consuming those excess calories combined with hockey and lifting, your body will go into an anabolic phase (like being on roids-but much safer and natural)

You will gain some fat along with the muscle, but you can always get rid of the fat later.

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