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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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What are some Deep fitting boots?

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I had skated in CCM tacks up until two years ago when I bought some Vapor 10's, the orginal style. Must be one of the best boots ever made. Anyways I went back to Tacks for my inline hockey and I noticed how much better I like the deep fitting feel of the Vapor 10. On the tacks I felt like half of the top of my foot was not supported. What are some other deep fitting boots?" I imagine the Vapor xxx's have a similar fit to the Vapor 10's. I'm looking for a one or 2 year old skate to convert to roller. Thanks in advance.

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Salming's are supposedly a deep fit: http://www.modsquadhockey.com/index.php?showtopic=11845

Fit- I tested the E width and they were more than wide enough for me. In fact I believe Jason posted that when he got the new D with model they were as wide as the old E width model. The left skate was a little tight (length) so I tried to bake it and stretch it a little to fit my foot better. In any case, it's a very comfortable boot. No arch, heel or toecap problems at all. It's also a very deep fitting skate, great for guys like me. 8/10

There's a guy here, Jason (aka SalmingUSA) who was selling these things on the cheap (closeout sale for the 2004 models, I believe). If it interests you at all, you might want to PM him and get the specifics for sizes, availability, cost, etc.

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It sounds like we're in the same boat Ogie. Tacks width is great, but perhaps the boot is a bit shallow. I'm probably about 6-12 months away from shopping for new wheels but I'm keeping my ear to the ground.

I understand Rbk skates are wide like Tacks, but fit deeper. Haven't tried them out though -- still too new and flashy for this conservative guy!

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