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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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need help

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Hey guys i have broken a few sticks in the last few weeks and hvae only 2 which i dont like too much, i really need advice of a good stick to get. i like the sakic pattern so any sticks with something similiar.

also where is the cheapest site to get bauer xxx's skates? i need somewhere that can ship to uk.


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I hear the xn10, with the nash curve is a good stick

I really like the true1. Innovative's clone to the sakic is the draper curve I believe.

The cheapest site would probably be ebay, however sizes are limited

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I find that my Response Plus with a nash curve is excellent performance wise, is easy to get use to and is very strong and durable.

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I'm using a Nike Apollo in a Legwand pattern - the Apollo is a discontinued model which I was able to pick up for $89 Canadian plus tax. It was Nike's top of the line OPS. The Legwand (PT3) is a sakic clone. I've been using the stick since September 2 or 3 times a week and it's still in good shape - you can probably find one of these online somewhere for a reasonable price. There's a review of the stick in the reviews section. I've really only used 3 different OPS so I'm not exactly an expert, but out of the 3 I've used the Nike Apollo is my favourite so far.

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i know hockeymonkey.com ships to uk in 4 days , Bauer Endure Is pretty tough i would recommend that Dont know if the curves

p.s. i Pmd you

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