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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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DeI 18

Pro Curves...

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Topic basically says it all. I was wondering what Dominic Moore's and Jed Ortenmeyer's pro curves are like (or what retail pattern if that's the case).

Also, I saw a Briere pro-stock Si-Core Grip on Ebay a while back, but couldn't get a pic of the curve. It was described as some sort of toe curve, that's all.

I was also wondering if Ovechkin still using a retail Sakic curve.

Thanks all.

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saw a glimpse of ovechkin's curve in the leafs vs thrashers game tonight, so take dont totally take my word on it...

looked like a big open toe curve, but the angle was very sharp, like a < instead of a (

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saw a glimpse of ovechkin's curve in the leafs vs thrashers game tonight, so take dont totally take my word on it...

looked like a big open toe curve, but the angle was very sharp, like a < instead of a (

ovechkins on the Caps i thought.

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saw a glimpse of ovechkin's curve in the leafs vs thrashers game tonight, so take dont totally take my word on it...

looked like a big open toe curve, but the angle was very sharp, like a < instead of a (

ovechkins on the Caps i thought.

maybe it was a little clip of the caps game showing him score a goal or a hit or something during HNIC.

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saw a glimpse of ovechkin's curve in the leafs vs thrashers game tonight, so take dont totally take my word on it...

looked like a big open toe curve, but the angle was very sharp, like a < instead of a (

There's a local kid with a relative in the Caps organization who said that A-O got a shipment of sticks with the wrong curve a couple weeks ago. I'm sure they've been replaced by now.

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