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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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04 silver synergy

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How does easton "magically" shave off 5-10 grams every year on the Synergy? Is it the same stick and they're just putting a new weight on the stick to make it look like they improved it? Or are they really making the sticks lighter but making them less durable in the process?

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Yes, that is what we truly aim for from year-to-year...we ultimately envision a stick that breaks when you just pick it up off the shelf. This stick will make you the best player in the rink and it will retail for $499. hahaha.

New ways of doing things are constantly being discovered. Improvements here, improvements there. What if I said in-line changes are constantly being made in an attempt to improve products? Features seemingly being introduced with the new year could have been instituted even before that time.

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i wonder where they get that weight though, i have a grams scale and the stick or shafts i wiegh are always more then the stated wieght. For example, the redlight XN10 weighs around 275-280 but the stated wieght is 250

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There's also a little wiggle room in shaft weights, some may be lighter and some heavier. It's impossible to make thousands of sticks that all weigh exactly the same, no matter who makes them.

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They weigh the stick cut to a certain length, 57" I believe. They also use the smallest blade to get the lowest number. A Modano is going to weigh less than a Shanny.

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