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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Your best hockey moment

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those mornings I used to go down to the pond and skate with my dad before school...no goal, check, win, tryout or game comes close to those moments..

you know, I've played hockey so many years and nothing beats hit. Every, Christmas night, my brother, dad and I always go play hockey in the night to the pond from like 9PM to 11:30PM. We play without almost any light but it's magical. All 3 on the ice, nothing around, this is the real life. I also remember when me and my bro were going wihout permission to the local rink playind in the dark from midnight to 3AM, those are great memories, nothing in the world can beat it, even playing in the NHL.

Edited- Countless hours playing shinny or outside pond or outside roller are in fact my best memories.

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me my dad and my uncle on the ice at the outdoor rink, facing a few local junior players and goalie. i skated behind the net and perfect pass out infront to my dad who onetimed it past the goalie. whenever we are on the ice we have the conection as we call it. Nother beats beiing on the outdoor ice with your father. B)

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I had never played a proper inline hockey game in my life, I went to state and scored my first goal. Before that weekend my mind was set on making nationals, though when the teams where annouced and I didn't make it, I wasn't sad, I had so much fun that weekend. This was 3 years ago.

Scoring in semi-finals and grand-finals in field hockey, with each goal, an awesome scream comes with it as well.

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Best moment eh?

Hm well.

1.) Last season, the defender picked up the rebound and I just drilled him, knocking him and the goalie into the net...along with the puck.

2.) Notching my 70th goal in my HS career.

3.) Making my Junior A team

Those are more like personal accomplishments more than 'game' moments

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My best hockey moment, besides scoring a sweet goal on a breakaway in OT, was a huge hit when a kid was getting a breakout pass. He had his head down coming upice and I just leveled him. It's too bad we lost that game 3-2, though, but that hit was definetly worth it.

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me my dad and my uncle on the ice at the outdoor rink, facing a few local junior players and goalie. i skated behind the net and perfect pass out infront to my dad who onetimed it past the goalie. whenever we are on the ice we have the conection as we call it. Nother beats beiing on the outdoor ice with your father. B)

You know, I have the same connection you mentionned with my brother. When we play together, we always know we are on the ice, what thing the other will do and all that. Maybe it's the fact we have play so much times together but still it's mesmerizing for others who face us.

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Scoring my first hat trick. Played my friend's team and he was talking sh!t the week before the game. After my second goal I saw him on the bench just knodding his head back and forth. After the game (I play in an inline beer league) we line up and shake hands and as I passed him he said "You %^&*er!!! You scored more goals than our whole team!!!" (We won 8-2) Although my hockey "career" has been brief, this I will never forget. :D

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