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RBK 4k vs CCM 892 Super Tacks

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I just started getting back into skating, and I refuse to wear rental skates again after my experience on Saturday night. Right now I'll probably do more skating than playing but I do want to try joining in some rat games or possibly the adult league in a year or so. But by that time I'll probably be ready for new skates, so for now I've been shopping in the $200 range for something modest but not crap.

I've narrowed it down to a few, the two most likely of which are the RBK 4k and the CCM 892 Super Tacks, $200 and $230 respectively. I was also considering the Bauer Vapor XIV, but I'm shying away from those due to all the reported durability problems. I also thought about the RBK 5k that I could get for around $230 I think, but I'm just not sure about 'the pump'.

Am I looking at reasonable skates in this price range? I'm going to drop by some stores this weekend to try on the various models to see what fits best. Are there any other models that I should try?

Oh and thanks for providing this forum, I've just found it a couple days ago and I'm impressed by the amount of decent information and posts available here. Thanks!!

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My recomendation is when you are ready to buy, go to your LHS and try on every pair of skates in your price range. Don't stop trying skates on as soon as you try on a pair that feels good, the next pair may be even better. Try them all. If one stands out far above the rest, buy that one. If a couple are close, and you can't decide choose based on price.

I am assuming you are not an advanced skater.

Unless you are a truely advanced skater, spending an extra $40 for a skate because it has "Ballistic Ultra Lite Layer Super High Intensity Teflon" instead of just buying the skate with regular "Super High Intensity Teflon" is a waste of money. The increased performance you would gain from spending the extra cash will not be realized until your skating becomes stronger.

There are plenty of guys in my beer league that are wearing skates they paid $90 for 10 years ago and they are skating rings around guys in Vapor XXX's. If you can't perform close to the level of the skate, that money is wasted.

Fit, then price. Remember that and you will be fine. With the price range you are talking about, I think you will find yourself a very nice pair of skates.

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I was really impressed by the new Tacks line this year. Try on a bunch of skates and see what fits your foot best and once you think you have the right fit, try a size smaller. You will be surprised how often it fits.

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I just bought a pair of 652s. I have wide feet and this skate fits great! This is also the first skate that I ever had heat-molded. I was going to go with the 8-series, but got a deal on the 6s.

Honestly, if you are just starting up, I would go with the 6-series and spend the extra money on some of your other gear -- or go towards stick-n-puck time.

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My recomendation is when you are ready to buy, go to your LHS and try on every pair of skates in your price range. Don't stop trying skates on as soon as you try on a pair that feels good, the next pair may be even better. Try them all. If one stands out far above the rest, buy that one. If a couple are close, and you can't decide choose based on price.

I am assuming you are not an advanced skater.

Unless you are a truely advanced skater, spending an extra $40 for a skate because it has "Ballistic Ultra Lite Layer Super High Intensity Teflon" instead of just buying the skate with regular "Super High Intensity Teflon" is a waste of money. The increased performance you would gain from spending the extra cash will not be realized until your skating becomes stronger.

There are plenty of guys in my beer league that are wearing skates they paid $90 for 10 years ago and they are skating rings around guys in Vapor XXX's. If you can't perform close to the level of the skate, that money is wasted.

Fit, then price. Remember that and you will be fine. With the price range you are talking about, I think you will find yourself a very nice pair of skates.

Absolutely correct!

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I believe that Vector 6.0's are in this price range. As well as Vapor XIV's.

I would at least try on the Vector 6. It's fits a different foot shape. It has more of an arch and it felt more molded to my foot in a smaller size then the 692. I could fit in a 6.5 E very snuggly in Vector's but in 692's my toes were getting scrunched in a size 7.

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For what little worth it is, I just bought a pair of 852's. They were $200, I could have got them online cheaper, but only about $40 cheaper, and my $200 includes baking and 3 sharpenings. They have the CCM machine thing there so its all good.

I have only had them a few weeks, and am still very much just getting to grips with skating and playing, but I had the 252's before, because I was just learning.

I love the 852s, I don't need the shiny new hotness for my level, so far they have been comfortable and stabilizing.

If its something in the $200 range, instead of the 892's, why not ask your LHS what they have in the older models, that way you will get a decent deal and a high quality skate (unless you prefer the new model runs)

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Well the only skate that LHS had in my size (9 E) last night was the RBK 4k. It felt pretty good, but I didn't buy yet as I'm going to try some of the other suggestions. The guy was pretty helpful and suggested a couple other shops nearby that carry a bigger stock, so I'm hoping to get there this weekend.

Thanks for all the help everyone!

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