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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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salming sticks

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Jimmy and Chadd,

I have the "Sakic" G1's and will receive more TF1's in about ten days, if either of you needs replenishment.

I'm selling a lot of the Modano blades but not many of the Sakics.

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Me too! :lol:

When I put my first order, I spoke to a couple of friends at shops, who suggested 60-40 Sakic to Modano. I found close to the opposite ratio to be true.

By the way, I was referring to whether you needed any for Tuzzi.....

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Are there any plans to include the Salming blade patterns in the Pattern DB?

As far as I know of all they offer is a modano and Sakic clone.

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Are there any plans to include the Salming blade patterns in the Pattern DB?

As far as I know of all they offer is a modano and Sakic clone.

Jason told me they sold a Lidstrom clone aswell. I think that was it.

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And I read somewhere else that they have a Drury clone as well. It would be nice to know which is which, because the blade pattern drawings on the Salming website are tiny.

SalmingUSA, could you provide use with a quick Salming vs Easton blade pattern comparison?

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Cheechoo, you are correct about the drawings being rather small on the website. :o

I can tell you what the patterns are based on, although I don't think they are exact replicas of the Eastons.

11 - Sakic

21 - Modano

41 - Sundin

44 - Hoglund

51 - Lidstrom

I've been told that the 44 is based on the Drury, but the truth is I just picked up the new TF Evolutions about an hour ago, and I haven't opened a box with the 44's to compare. Apparently, we also create a Curve 12 for Mikael Samuelsson, but he ended up going with the Curve 11. The Red Wings are sending the 12's to me. I'll have to ask Rikard in Sweden what the 12 is equivalent to.

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Speaking of the TF Evolution, I'll play with it tomorrow, but it's seems to be a pretty sweet stick.

It's fairly thin, although not quite as thin as the G1. This production run has a smooth texture, but next year it will also be available with a sandpaper grip like the G1. The other neat thing is the weight difference is noticeable. I've found that some sticks are balanced in such a way that their 50 grams less aren't noticeable, but I can definitely tell that the Evolution weighs less than the G1 or TF1.

The Austrian distributor told me that the performance is even better than the G1's, but he said they've been less durable, so there is a trade-off for that performance.

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Thanks Jason! Could you let us know if the 44 does indeed look like a Drury when you get a chance to look at it. The Evolution looks great. Might have to give it a try.

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Sorry I'm a bit off topic.

I have a question for Jason. Last week I got to check out a Pro-stock Mikael Samuelsson Salming stick, and I never checked to see what model it was. Do you know what he uses?

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I don't know what he uses now, but I remember when he was on the Rangers, Sam and JD said he gotten called up, needed a stick and went to a "retail location" and got one. I distinctly remember seeing him sitting on the bench, and you could see the "kic" sticking out from under his tapejob on his Synergy. Now that may have been an on-the-spot purchase, I dunno. But he picked it, so I'm sure what he uses is something along the lines of that.

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Notorious, he's using the TF Evolution, which is the new stick that I finally received today. He's using Curve 11, which is a Sakic.

Thanks Jason! Could you let us know if the 44 does indeed look like a Drury when you get a chance to look at it. The Evolution looks great. Might have to give it a try.

Cheechoo, I visited my friend's shop and we compared the Curve 44 with a Drury. It was pretty much an exact match.

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Initial feedback on the TF Evolution:

I played this morning but I arrived late, so I wasn't able to make the warm-ups, and this is a drop-in where people don't take many slapshots. So I wasn't able to confirm what the Austrian distributor said, that the Evolutions have better performance than the G1's. I should be able to make the warm-ups of Saturday night's drop-in, so I'll see if I can dent the goalie's cage. ;)

The TFE and G1 have similar balance, so the missing 60 grams were noticeable while skating. I used the Curve 44 (Drury) model, since a lot of you have spoken highly of it. However, I was missing all my shots and passes -- it was getting very frustrating. I compared it to the Modano to see if the lie was different. Sure enough, the lie was different. Plus, I use Oggie's Ergo Grip which creates a unique lie, yet I didn't have time to put a grip on the new stick. Add it up and it threw me off for a while.

Hopefully, after putting the Ergo Grip on, I'll be able to get used to the Drury's lie for Saturday night. Otherwise, we won't have Modano's available until next year.

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