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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Vapor XX Shaft

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There is not a retail Vapor XX shaft. If you saw one it was either cut down from a one piece or is pro stock in which case it could be either standard or tapered

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There is not a retail Vapor XX shaft. If you saw one it was either cut down from a one piece or is pro stock in which case it could be either standard or tapered

then it's just a retail shaft for europe

you'll see...



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The Vapor XV shaft is probably what you are looking for. It is a tapered shaft.

It is the XX, sans-blade from what I can tell.

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The xx shafts are standard and are not pro stock.

when it's standard,

where's the tapered shaft from bauer for europe?

There is none because the market just isn´t there....

Out of all players in my division (6 Teams) there is just one guy other than me using a tapered shaft. I am using the R2XN10 which had to be ordered for me because no shop stocks them and my teammate uses a V130 which he brought back from the states. The only tapered shaft that is widely offered over here is the Synthesis but I have yet to across somesone using one. Tapered blades are also hard to come by and the guy at my LHS didn´t even know what a tapered blade is when I asked him if he could get me any. You see....we don´t get everything over here...except for Gayvid Hasselhoff :D

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Damn...Germans get anything over there...even Hasselhoff music.

Hey did you know that Hasselhoff still thinks HE is responsible for the reunion of germany ?

I am NOT kidding...

Hilarious :lol:

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..busch lightning? never heard of that one...

There was a topic about them a week or so ago, Lang is using it.

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Vapor XX shaft is tapered, just installed a blade in one a few minutes ago. Custom colour (red fading into silver, specially produced for a local team according to the player)

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