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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Burning fat...

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I am going to admit that I am a pretty lazy person when it comes to staying in shape. But I have decided to start getting into better shape. I wanted your guys views on the best methods of burning fat. From what I understand running is the best way, but I want your input.


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You can do most any aerobic activity. The key is to get the heart rate way up and keep it there for an extended period of time. Need to get that heart rate up to 70-80% of maximum. Maximum is a formula you can find online for your age. For me (an old duffer) anything above 115 heart rate is working the flab.

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There's not going to be a simple, single trick that will help you. It will likely take a considerable amount of commitment.

In addition to the abovementioned forms of exercise, swimming is also great and very easy on the joints. You'll get a full body workout from it too. I also imagine that if you play enough hockey, you'll lose some weight...

You'll also have to watch what you eat, unfortunately...that's the hardest thing for me...along with moving... :lol:

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I've seen some female friends have good success with Pilates. It excercises and tones all your core muscles very well. Core strength is fundamental to hockey, so it is a great way to burn fat and get stronger at the same time.

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I've seen some female friends have good success with Pilates. It excercises and tones all your core muscles very well. Core strength is fundamental to hockey, so it is a great way to burn fat and get stronger at the same time.

In my gruff manly man tone of voice: "but pilates is for bitches!" :P

Haha. Yeah, that shit is hard. I still think cardio needs to fit into the equation somewhere though...although you can still lose fat just by doing anaerobic exercise too...

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Haha! Yup, that shit is harder than it looks!

We had to do it as part of our training this past summer when I did Dragonboat racing. I lost about 10 pounds in less than a month. But once the race was over I got lazy.

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Haha! Yup, that shit is harder than it looks!

We had to do it as part of our training this past summer when I did Dragonboat racing. I lost about 10 pounds in less than a month. But once the race was over I got lazy.

I love dragonboat racing, but my team is far lazier than yours. Toronto Island is always the best festival.

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Losing weight is neither plesant nor easy and quick. Just don't go overboard in cutting back your calories or anything. Just make your best attempt to eat healthy in all your meals. I don't necisarily recomend biking though mainly becasue you lose range of motion, and you can have some back problems between playing hockey and biking with stiff hamstrings.

The best way to burn fat is to use one of the pre-programs on the bike, the intervals. Those are a good place to start because once you hit that you may be better in tune with your body. Once you feel comfortable in the right heartrate to burn fat, I would then recomend the running on a softer surface like a track, grass, sand, or dirt. Make sure you stretch and properly cool down. Your body won't feel any better with less weight if you're too stiff to move, and too overtrained to play hockey.

If you have any other questions, I'll be glad to help.

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all good tips

However, probably the most important area to consider is diet. You need to eat lean protein and good fat (olive oil, nuts, etc.) Pick up a good healthy cook book. Do not eliminate carbohydrates. As an athlete you NEED them and it can be potentially dangerous to take them out of your diet.

Try to get yourself in the habit of eating smaller meals more frequently to speed up your metabolism. I typically eat 5-6 meals a day. Which in its own way is a curse cause I'm always hungry and spend all my money on food.

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In terms of exercise, high intensity intervals work best, but you have to work up to the usually. Alternating speeds when you run or bike, or doing sets of burpees interspersed with pushups, wrestling in general, or similar intense exercise will help you burn more fat quicker than long slow cardio. The earlier in the day you do them the better, and remember that for pure fat burning purposes, breakfast should be your biggest meal with your last your smallest.

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Play lacrosse for a JV team that works you harder than Varsity and has a real ass/d-bag of a coaching staff that loves to run. I lost a bit of weight, and I can run for quite the distance now...

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Play lacrosse for a JV team that works you harder than Varsity and has a real ass/d-bag of a coaching staff that loves to run. I lost a bit of weight, and I can run for quite the distance now...

^ F****ing hilarious. ive been there too. except i was the quasi fatty who decided to walk them in protest but was good enough at defense to not get benched

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