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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Team Jackets

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Our team has Easton jackets.. I'm not sure if they're "custom" but they have our logo embroidered (or sewn in, whatever the word is) on the back and names and number on the front left. But they're just black with the logos and numbers sew onto them. They're kinda heavier though too, they have a fleece inner lining. Like 95 bucks a pop for us.

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Our team has Easton jackets.. I'm not sure if they're "custom" but they have our logo embroidered (or sewn in, whatever the word is) on the back and names and number on the front left. But they're just black with the logos and numbers sew onto them. They're kinda heavier though too, they have a fleece inner lining. Like 95 bucks a pop for us.

My team gets the full Easton Suit with numbers on the back and name/team logo on the front. And we also get Zephyer hats and a Letterman Jacket

We get everything for free though.

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Our team has Holloway suits.


Go to: Consumers > Teamwear & Warm-Ups > Nylon: Spectrum > 9043 (Jacket) and 9041 (Pants).

That's what we have in Scarlet/White. They have a lot of color combinations and they might have custom available to dealers, but I'm not sure.

Our Booster Club pays for them, so to the players, they're free.

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Does anyone know of a company that make custom color schemes for team jackets...Im looking for the kind of jackets made up of wind jacket type materials like this one:


What colors do you want?

Navy blue with yellow pipeing... YOu know what i mean by piping right? We dont want anything too expensive...I was lookg at the 34.00 CCM jackets and the 35.00 easton ones and liked them a lot

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