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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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vector 130 stick durability

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I had one they are great for a few uses then the blade goes and mine completely just broke in half after going too soft and the shaft is really annoying as the decals come off so easy.

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I had one they are great for a few uses then the blade goes and mine completely just broke in half after going too soft and the shaft is really annoying as the decals come off so easy.

Mine held up for about 4 months and then it died because I smacked a post. I´m sure it would still be going strong now. Didn´t have any issues with the blade at all. I am still thinking, though that the blades on the canadian made version of the V130 is different from the blades they use on the made in finland things.

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i got one, its a realy nice shaft, one of the lightest i have used...

the stickers are annoying, and the grip does wear out, but the durability is very good

dont know about the blade...

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