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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Broken SL int

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i tired searching but did not find anything. 2 questions will a jr synthesis blade fit in an int sl if i cut right above the tenden.

my options

1 flip ops and put pop in standard blade

2 put in a tapper blade

Thanks for help

ps just to be sure the new synergy II will be out in the spring right.

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ps just to be sure the new synergy II will be out in the spring right.

I believe it will be in first line retailers around now, but i know you can goto like www.epuck.com and they sell them there.

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Int. SLs need an intermediate synthesis blade if you are looking tapered... I put an R2 in one but I had to do some selective sanding on the hosel. I cut the old blade out of the shaft.

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TPS R2 blades are rediculously light. And I like their curves. Comp that is. I hear that the woodies get soft kinda quick, but have superb feel to start out with. I just ordered a comp.

The comps are hit or miss. Some last a while and others split at the toe pretty quickly.

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TPS R2 blades are rediculously light. And I like their curves. Comp that is. I hear that the woodies get soft kinda quick, but have superb feel to start out with. I just ordered a comp.

The comps are hit or miss. Some last a while and others split at the toe pretty quickly.

Hmm, odd. Sounds about right for a sharp edge on molded/pre-preg things though...

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TPS R2 blades are rediculously light. And I like their curves. Comp that is. I hear that the woodies get soft kinda quick, but have superb feel to start out with. I just ordered a comp.

The comps are hit or miss. Some last a while and others split at the toe pretty quickly.

Hmm, odd. Sounds about right for a sharp edge on molded/pre-preg things though...

At least the RTM stuff broke a bit more slowly, the pre-preg blades seem to just split at the toe.

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