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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Need help on gloves

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Hello, Im getting back into hockey after a long lay off. These are the gloves I have chosen. Price isnt really a concern but If I can get some great quality gloves at a descent price thats even better. Here are my choices and can someone explain how Eagle glove numbers work. (example Extreme or x70) Which models come in all leather. Thank you.

Ok, I am looking at these gloves.

Bauer 5000 pro-stock on hockey giant, red and white

louisville thg

or Eagle x80 or X71

or Eagle L29's

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Depends on what's important to you, but keep in mind that the TPS, Bauers and Eagles are all different fitting gloves.

I'd avoid the THG gloves, but that's just me, as I tend to avoid SMUs. The Bauer pro-stocks at that price aren't a bad choice, esp with the full on inserts that the Eagles or THGs don't have. So if protection is top priority, go Bauer. Instead of the THGs however, you may want to check out TPS HGTs - I use them and they are in general, a highly regarded glove on this board.

That being said, a lot of people like the loose, VERY unrestrictive fit of Eagle gloves. I personally feel that they have the best stock palms on the market (they feel marvelous), but retail X70s don't offer inserts unless you go custom. Eagles are also very light.

With regards to numbering, I believe that one any specific model (ie. X70 range), the second digit represents cuff length...X71 would be longer than X70, and so on and so forth.

I think either way, if you go with the Bauers or Eagles, you're getting a quality glove.

Happy hunting.

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After a 5 year layoff I have come back and went glove shopping as well. I thought that I would want another pair of all leather, loose fitting gloves but I suprisingly found myself sort of enamoured with teh Bauer Vapor XXX's....I really liked how cool and light the nylon gloves were, plus the more snug fit felt great. I also enjoyed the mission line......quite a departure from my big messier style Louisville's!

The point is the manuf. have come a long way in the designs, even in 5 years. I would go try on some of the newer stuff and get an idea of what you think of the new designs. Before I went an hours drive away to a LHS I was opposed to nylon and the "modern" fit..........

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After a 5 year layoff I have come back and went glove shopping as well. I thought that I would want another pair of all leather, loose fitting gloves but I suprisingly found myself sort of enamoured with teh Bauer Vapor XXX's....I really liked how cool and light the nylon gloves were, plus the more snug fit felt great. I also enjoyed the mission line......quite a departure from my big messier style Louisville's!

The point is the manuf. have come a long way in the designs, even in 5 years. I would go try on some of the newer stuff and get an idea of what you think of the new designs. Before I went an hours drive away to a LHS I was opposed to nylon and the "modern" fit..........

I love Nylon, have never used anything but...the only synthetic leather gloves I'd consider are Eagles b/c they make them so light, or HGTs because I just love the glove. I'm extremely disappointed that HGTs won't be available in nylon on the retail level this year...

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Thanks for the help. Are all of the Eagle gloves available in leather? I see so many of them for sale on all the sites, but I dont know which are special orders and which are stock. Even on Eagles website it doesnt have a very good explanation. Is the L29 a good glove? I dont want to date myself but I grew up playing KOHO 450 and 650 gloves. Still one of the finest gloves I have ever put on. The 650's were sloppy loose, loved them. This brings me to my next question. What happened to gloves? I went into a hockey store and all the gloves were tight and small. My friend who is a bit younger and the same size as me says 14's are all I should need. I tried on the 14's and thought they were kids gloves. Im a small guy too. I have dated myself havent I? :angry:

Is there any other models that should be considered?

Thanks again and what a great site. G

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Thanks for the help. Are all of the Eagle gloves available in leather? I see so many of them for sale on all the sites, but I dont know which are special orders and which are stock. Even on Eagles website it doesnt have a very good explanation. Is the L29 a good glove? I dont want to date myself but I grew up playing KOHO 450 and 650 gloves. Still one of the finest gloves I have ever put on. The 650's were sloppy loose, loved them. This brings me to my next question. What happened to gloves? I went into a hockey store and all the gloves were tight and small. My friend who is a bit younger and the same size as me says 14's are all I should need. I tried on the 14's and thought they were kids gloves. Im a small guy too. I have dated myself havent I? :angry:

Is there any other models that should be considered?

Thanks again and what a great site. G

Well, in recent times, gloves have tended to be tighter fitting, unless you got a reall traditional model. I think what the manufacturers are trying to accomplish is a more comfortable fit, but without restricted mobility, and for the most part, I think they've done a pretty good job (barring some extraneous cuff devices that are pointless)...

All Eagle gloves in my opinion are fine gloves and the L29 should do you well, esp. if you like real leather and a loose fit. Keep in mind that Eagle gloves are expensive though, but from the sounds of it, you'll love the nearly sloppy loose fit.

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Are all of the Eagle gloves available in leather?

You can get the X70 in all leather, it's the L70. The L29 is a very nice glove as well.

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This is my main question. What are all the different numbers and letters for? Difference between the X70 and the X80 how about the extreme? Finally what are the L70's? Does the L just mean leather? Thanks, G

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This is my main question. What are all the different numbers and letters for? Difference between the X70 and the X80 how about the extreme? Finally what are the L70's? Does the L just mean leather? Thanks, G

Either check out the 2005 catalog we have here or look over at the Eagle website, you should be able to see the differences in most of the products.

L70 is a leather X70.

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also the l29 has a slightly longer cuff aswell as a much thicker palm. If you like the nylong glove the ccm vector glove nylon is a nice glove, decent palm in it, very light weight and also relatively inexpensive for that good feeling. I use eagel x70s and i love them soo much, there such a protective glove and good feeling. If you want great protection the x70 is by far the best for that

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If you want great protection the x70 is by far the best for that

Protection is not their strong point.

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I decided to go the cheap route until I decide which eagles I want.

Which would be better

Bauer 5000 pro stock or hockeygiant 79.99 15"

TPS HGT custom pros 1800faceoff 69.99 14"

I have a 18" elbow to finger tip length and an average size hand. Is one better quality. Better feel? They are supposedly both leather from what I am reading. Im oredering in the next 10 minutes, so help quick. Thanks, G

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If you want great protection the x70 is by far the best for that

Protection is not their strong point.


would that be a hint? maybe some plastic insterts? id like that.

as for the L70 i tryed a pair on and wow they felt amazing the palms were mint too.

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