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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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reaction ball?

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Anyone know the manufacturer, brand name or distributor of the reaction training ball? It's not a goalie or hockey specific, used for all sports to improve hand/eye coordination and reflex. My store is hockey only so I don't have access to the same cool stuff as the all-around sports stores. Any of you guys who work or been in a store that has them? Basically it's a rubber ball with odd bumps all around it, and when bounced will deflect different direction at random. Good for training goalies for tip ins/deflections.

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This thing?

Googling for "reaction training ball" turns up a number of online places that sell them.

Yes this is good, we have one in the locker room that is a bit different and the goalies use it for a few minutes before the games.

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I actually found the company on line today and ordered up 24 of them. I think they will be great stocking stuffers for the goalies! I'd use one myself but I think it would stop bouncing before I realized it was even moving. :P

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