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Hockey internship

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Hi there,

i have to absolve an intership (i mean, i have to work for 3 weeks without getting paid and getting work experience) from school and i want to do something with hockey.

Actually, i got a spot in the management of a DEL (Germans Elite League) Club, which is very interesting and as far as i know not so easy to get. This spot is mine for 100%, but i also have got the opportunity to work for Germanys biggest hockey distributor (Easton, Mission, Itech, Eagle) which could be neat, too.

I will get the money for petrol, so the distance wont be a problem.

So, what would YOU do ?

Thanks so far..

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If you wanted to go into the hockey industry, what side would you like to be on?

Learning the ins and outs of team/league management or a road warrior/sales rep?

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Hi there,

i have to absolve an intership (i mean, i have to work for 3 weeks without getting paid and getting work experience) from school and i want to do something with hockey.

Actually, i got a spot in the management of a DEL (Germans Elite League) Club, which is very interesting and as far as i know not so easy to get. This spot is mine for 100%, but i also have got the opportunity to work for Germanys biggest hockey distributor (Easton, Mission, Itech, Eagle) which could be neat, too.

I will get the money for petrol, so the distance wont be a problem.

So, what would YOU do ?

Thanks so far..

If you are interested in a sales or marketing career, take the big distributor's job. If you are interested in sports management, take the team job.

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Of course im interested in the sports management thing, thats what i want to study on the university later, but i smell free gear at the distributor ^_^

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Free stuff??? For an intern??!?!? I thought comedy hour was over. If you do, it's gonna be a roll of tape, some laces, or a poster.

I "interned" for an AHL team in New England as a "sales and marketing" intern.

You know what the interns did all day? Alphabetized files and reciepts, data entry, answering phones and being the mascot (though not me personally). We also helped set up promo's for game nights and did "crowd control". We got walkie talkies and told kids to stop running around.

Maybe it's different in Ger. but interning for this sports team had nothing to do w/ managing the team. It was all on the business end (think Office Space w/o the funny), and it was drone work at that.

Though I did get to watch live games for free (while working) and practices. That was the only upside.

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