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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Need skates for my two year old!

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Should I get him Vapor XXXs or Kors? Just kidding!

My two year-old son wants skates so badly for Christmas. Has anybody ever seen skates small enough for a two year old's feet? I've seen some small ones from Bauer online (Little Champs or something) that look like they might work. He wears a toddler-size 6.5 shoe.

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Hi, yes I got some for my little one. He had them on at 15 months & still fit. They are little white skates made by Lange. They have a plastic shell & then a padded inner. No laces but buckles. They are great. I got them from a shop called Cupolo Sports (www.cupolosports.com) in Niagra Falls, Canada. They were really cheap & my little one loves them. I searched all over for them before I found them. As far as I know Bauer, CCM, etc. start at a US9 or similar. Good luck!! :)

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Should I get him Vapor XXXs or Kors? Just kidding!

My two year-old son wants skates so badly for Christmas. Has anybody ever seen skates small enough for a two year old's feet? I've seen some small ones from Bauer online (Little Champs or something) that look like they might work. He wears a toddler-size 6.5 shoe.

Deke - I am starting to look for skates for my two year old as well. Let me know what you find and I will do likewise. I was thinking of looking for those double-bladed contraptions that strap onto boots, but I think SML's Lange skates sound like a better route. SML, what protective gear does your kid wear?

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We went with double runners that strapped on our daughters' shoes at that age. I know some might disagree with that, but I found they could be somewhat more self-sufficient, versus me bending over and keeping them upright.

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Hi, yes I got some for my little one. He had them on at 15 months & still fit. They are little white skates made by Lange. They have a plastic shell & then a padded inner. No laces but buckles. They are great. I got them from a shop called Cupolo Sports (www.cupolosports.com) in Niagra Falls, Canada. They were really cheap & my little one loves them. I searched all over for them before I found them. As far as I know Bauer, CCM, etc. start at a US9 or similar. Good luck!! :)

I just ordered the Lange skates from Cupolos (thanks SML). $10 CDN plus another $10 CDN for shipping from Niagara Falls to Toronto. They said they fit youth sizes 6-8. I also bought elbow pads, any recommendations for a helment?

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Should I get him Vapor XXXs or Kors? Just kidding!

My two year-old son wants skates so badly for Christmas. Has anybody ever seen skates small enough for a two year old's feet? I've seen some small ones from Bauer online (Little Champs or something) that look like they might work. He wears a toddler-size 6.5 shoe.

I have a 2.5 year old daughter and she is really into skating and watching hockey so I got her a pair of bauer impact 75 Youth 11,,she wears a 9 toddler. I had to do some research,, but evrybody tells me you can go bigger with skates when they are this age. They are great little skates she dosent complain or want them taken off her feet, so I think she likes them. they are'nt stiff at all

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Thanks for the suggestions! I lucked into finding a pair of Bauer Lil Champs in his size. He put them on and walked around my LHS. It was a riot! He was just beaming and pretending he was skating. I got a little pissed, though, since his crossovers were very sloppy! :lol:

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The pic of the little CCM skates - this is just what the Lange skates are like. I used the double runners on my nephew. He hated them. If you can get the kids to wear proper skates from day 1 then I would do that. Plus the kids love thinking that they have real skates.

Helmet - I just use his little helmet that he has for sitting on the back of my bicycle.

Happy skating!!

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Your best bet would be getting him figure skates for a year or two.

it benefits them really well

most Nhler's have there kids skating in them until 4 or 5

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My daughter has the CCM Tykes also. Good luck when you get the little guy out on the ice. My girl is three and has alot of problems with front/back balance. Standing still on the ice she is rock solid, but take one step and she is tipping forwards or backwards. A local figure skating club had a learn to skate clinic we took her too and that helped some.

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