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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Extra lace length

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When I play forward I don't lace my top pair of eyelets, and when I play D I do.

So, my laces hang very long when I am playing forward. I don't want to wrap the extra around the back, and my attempts at a double bow have always loosened.

Any techniques?

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Wax laces?

I know a lot of refs who will tuck them behind the tongue and then wrap a layer of tape around.

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I used to tie my skates, knot them, then put on my shinpads and stick the extra lace length up under my shinpad. Then tape them as normal. Works pretty well.

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The answer is obvious.... a 2nd pair of skates :D

Hmmmm... with a second pair of skates, I could profile one with a forward lean and the other with a defenseman's lean...

While I wait for the lottery win, I'll do the tucking / taping and forget about the double bow, then.


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