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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Beaver Buzz

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yeah so anyone ever try this stuff? I saw this today at work and supposedly it's a Canadian Made Red Bull. It's cheaper than red bull and it has 113mg caffine whereas redbull has 75mg?. Supposedly it kicks you awake. We had a guy yesterday who bought a whole flat of this stuff. It's the first time i've ever heard of this, anyone else hear about it??

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Man, why would anyone ever call anything beaver buzz?

Yeah, for a minute here, I thought this was going to be a thread about preferred nether region haircuts...but then that's just my mind in the gutter... :lol:

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The whole thing with the name isnt that bad. i get worse when you go to a collge that has a beaver as the mascot, like i do. the shirts we get are great, here are some examples:

be kinda to nature, kiss a beaver

all we are sayin is give beaver a chance

get sione beaver action

our beavers like wood

beaver pride, deep inside

and the list goes on

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The whole thing with the name isnt that bad. i get worse when you go to a collge that has a beaver as the mascot, like i do. the shirts we get are great, here are some examples:

be kinda to nature, kiss a beaver

all we are sayin is give beaver a chance

get sione beaver action

our beavers like wood

beaver pride, deep inside

and the list goes on

You go to Beaver College?

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